( no title ) poem

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i can feel you under my skin. sliding thru my blood. scratch the very edges, wanting to get out. but i wont let you. im keeping you with in me. for only me to see and know. i can taste your lips, so cold at the start.... quickly brings forth a warmth from with in... that makes the nerves qwake in its on essence... a mer touch could last me for centuries even generations..... the strength in the grip of the once cold hand upon my shoulder... now blazes with a over whelming passion, thats yelling, screaming pratically begging to be let out.... balled up fist banging and banging on the walls of a vibrating heart.... but from the inside.... all i do is breath deeply, in and out... silent whispering thru your ears.... " im here. but i dont know. for how long.... better hurry. or i might vanish.. "

unknown title (( Completed!! ))Where stories live. Discover now