Cloud and Aerith

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After having some special time with Tifa, he was planning to go see Aerith at Sector 5. Even though Aerith, Tifa and Jessie were married to Cloud, they knew that there would be people that might blackmail them.

He walked past Wall Market while greeting everyone he knew, including Jules, the head of the gym at Wall Market, the gatekeeper at the Corneo Colosseum, and the Trio, which consisted of Chocobo Sam of Sam's Chocobo Transportation, Madam M of Madam M's Massage And Beauty Parlor and Andrea Rhodea of the well renowned Honeybee Inn.

Eventually, he made it to Sector and greeted the kids at their secret hiding place. He chuckled at the fact they all had wooden Buster Swords on their backs as he mumbled to himself in a low voice.

Cloud: Look at that, Zack. There are now more people that can become your next living legacy.

After giving all of the saved up Moogle Medals to "Mog the Moogle", he then left the secret hideout and walked towards Aerith's house. He stopped by the Leaf House, an orphanage that is also a school. He greeted Ms. Folia, who their pal, Barrett, started dating, and her colleague and also the local doctor.

From there, he finally made to Aerith's house. He then walked toward the door until he saw the door was open. He grew worried until Aerith came running at him and threw herself on him and laughed.

Cloud spun himself around in for a bit until Aerith caught his lips in a passionate kiss.

Aerith broken the kiss as she hugged Cloud again.

Aerith: You know, the girls and I LOVE when you solely put your attention on us! We feel proud of it.

Cloud chuckled and he was still nervous. Aerith noticed and made him face her.

Aerith: Cloud, are you still scared?

Cloud wanted to deny it, but he simply couldn't. His fear of falling in love was always a deal breaker when it came to women. But when it came to Tifa, Aerith and Jessie, the jealousy was obvious. Their voices would feel strained, they would force kind tones and sometimes they would go at each other's throats arguing. He is the only the three of them calm down. Whenever he kisses them, he noticed they all seem to melt at his touch and they have sex soon after. Each of them begging for Cloud to dominate then and sometimes even revealing how they whenever he's with another woman that isn't Tifa, Aerith or Jessie. They would grasp onto tightly until he had to forcefully pull out of them or until he gave them what they wanted, which was his phallus in their pussies and his jizz in their wombs. He nodded ashamed of his answer

Aerith: There's no need to, Cloud. Despite what awful thoughts they may think of us. Tifa, Jessie and I all love you. You gained our love and trust for various reasons. You are our greatest treasure, Cloud. We love you.

Cloud: I'm sorry for you three having to put up with me for so much. I know I also have to be considerate of your girls' feelings.

Aerith: Why are you so tender and loving, Cloud?

Cloud: Uuhh. . . . .

Aerith: Don't answer that. Anyway, I want to go to Evergreen Park. I saw that added some new things and I really wanted to play there. Not only are you mine, Tifa and Jessie's husband, Cloud. You are also our bodyguard. With Shinra in struggle, maybe I can finally experience a normal childhood for a change. A brief moment where I don't have to be followed by the Shinra Turks or experimented. Please say yes, Cloud.

Cloud remembered what Aerith had to go through. How Hojo wanted to make her breed her with Red XIII, their canine friend. How her biological mother had died and how her father was killed, leaving her in the care of Elmyra, her adoptive mother. Cloud needed to remember than he is not the only one with emotional struggles.

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