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"Why do these things always happen to me?"

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch and students started to pack up their things and walk to their next class. Mine happened to be Theater. I couldn't hide my happiness on the way to the class, I'm sure it shone through very easily. I have to admit, I am a bit of a theater geek.

I don't have much trouble finding the class, considering it's very close to the cafeteria, plus I had Lola as a tour guide to help point me in the right direction.

"I'll see you next period, Bree. Stay out of trouble!" She said with mock seriousness.

"I'll try." I replied with a smirk.

As I walk in, I quickly scan over the class, not seeing anyone that I recognize right off the bat, and make my way to a seat in the back corner.

Theater is the one class where I can let go, and become the part. No worrying about 'being the perfect girl'. No, it's all about becoming the character you play, and enjoying the escape. As long as I don't have anyone to distract me, this will be a pleasant class.

It took 5 more minutes until the majority of the class filed in, mostly claiming the seats in the middle section. There were 7 rows with 5 chairs in each row; I was seated in a back corner, farthest from anyone, just how I like it. The teacher still hasn't shown up, so I decide to pass the time by reading my new book, "The Silence of Murder". It's quite good, it's about this girl who's brother was accused of murder, and is a selective mute, so she has to help prove him innocent either by reason of insanity or just innocence. Interesting plot, no?

While I was caught up in reading about part of their trial, I didn't notice someone was standing over my desk until the book was ripped from my grasp.

"HEY. What do you think you're--" I glanced up and saw none other than that stuck up man-whore, Harrison Skinner. This prevented me from continuing my insulting speech. I gulped and looked back down at the desk. Damn it, I wish Lola were here.

"You're in my seat." Crap, he's so close to me.. I made the mistake of looking back up, meeting his smoldering blue eyes. They are so gorgeous. I can definitely see why these girls are all over him, one, his body. Good lord have mercy, does he have the body of a god. ....Hot damn. Even I'm attracted to him, and that's saying something. I can see the outline of his stomach muscles from his tight T-shirt, the way his arm muscles flex while clenching and unclenching his fists. He should definitely wear these shirts all the time. It's just a gift to the world. Then there's his hair, so perfectly messy. I wonder if he styles it like that or it's natural. If he does indeed style it I really want to know what he uses to produce that masterpiece. Either way it's, just. . .damn. Lastly, his eyes. A beautiful blue color, it makes you lose your senses and just be sucked into his trap. Deep pools of blue....So lovely... I just don't want to look away....

Snap out of it! He's just trying to distract you! Now, come up with a smart-ass response and put him in his place.

Thank you, brain. You always make sense.

"I don't see your name on it," I add the effect of searching the surface, "so, why should I move from 'your desk'? Hmm?" Holy mother of fudge am I screwed. He probably sees past my little moment of courage and noticed that I'm really terrified. Of what, I have no idea, but for some reason I feel that he has power over me.

"No, but this is my fourth year in this class, and I always sit there. So get up and find a new seat, princess. Just because you're new doesn't mean you get any special treatment. Unless you want some, after school hours, if you caught my drift." He says with a wink.  Someone please shoot me. No, rather him, for being a cocky bastard.

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