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merry christmas 🎄❤️ christmas present for y'all

beyoncé point of view
miami, fl
october 5th 2021

"Thank you so much for helping me move Robyn, you're literally the best." I gave her a hug after she put the last box down and she hugged me back.

"Of course Bey. I'm glad you can be closer to me and away from all the mess in Houston."

I came to Miami to finish law school and hopefully find an internship at a law firm closest but also to get away from a lot of stuff in Houston where I used to live.

It feels like I'm running away but in my case running away was the bravest thing for me to do.

I still feel like a coward.

"You okay?" Robyn asks and puts a hand on my shoulder. I didn't realize I was silent for so long.

"Yeah.. I'm fine, just thinking about how glad I am to be here." That wasn't a total lie, I'm happy to have saved enough from jobs I've had since I was 15 to be able to afford an apartment as nice as the one I have.

"Let's celebrate, you wanna smoke?"

"I'm down. Let me take a shower first, the flight has me feeling nasty." I needed to wash Houston off me so bad.

"Okay, is it okay if I call the girl here? I don't know if you want people having your address." She's so careful with me and my privacy now.

"Yeah that's fine. Wait for me."

I went up the stairs to take a shower and got a change of clothes out of one of my suitcases and the things I needed for my shower.

I took a quick shower because Robyn was waiting for me downstairs and got dressed.

She was waiting on my couch for me watching my TV that was on the floor. "I need to remember to call someone to mount that." I said from behind her and she jumped.

"Shit you scared me." She looked back at me with her hand on her heart. "You can ask Onika to set it up, she's good with that type of stuff."

"Who's Onika?"

"My pluggg." She gets so excited talking about weed.

"Can you ask her for me?" I'm terrible at talking to new people.

"Yeah of course, she should be here any second." On cue someone rang on my doorbell.

"That's her, I'll get it." She stood up and answered the door.

They talked in the doorway and did that whole exchange thing. "Bey meet Onika, Nika meet Bey."

I awkwardly smiled and waved, "hi."

"She said you need me to mount your tv?" She pointed to the tv on the floor and I nodded.

"Yeah- not right now but whenever you have time."

"Okay I'll get your number from Rob and I'll text you. Nice to meet you." She did that fake white people smile when they fold their lips in and walked out.

As soon as she closed the door I busted out laughing. "Robyn you're really buying weed from high schoolers?" That girl couldn't have been older than 16.

"Shut up. I'm pretty sure she's 18 and I don't buy weed for her, she just delivers for the guy I actually buy it from, I think he's her brother or something."

She started rolling so I sat down next to her. "I need to remember to buy some incense, I can't have my new apartment smelling like weed and backwoods."

"I'll buy you some as a housewarming gift." She used her lighter to seal the blunt and lit it.

"You're the best, thank you for being my friend."

"You know I got you. Always." She leaned over to give me a side hug and squeezed my shoulders.

I played some music on my tv and we passed the blunt without saying much to each other, it was nice.

By the time we were finished I was slumped into my couch and I couldn't move.

"Bey.." Robyn said and giggled.


"I'm high as fuck."

We both turned our heads and as soon as we made eye contact we both started laughing.

"Me too." I said with tears in my eyes. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

"Do you want me to Doordash us some food? My stomach is touching my back right now."


We fell asleep before the food even came and we woke up to cold food on my doorstep.


I got another present for y'all later :) and also i switched bey and onikas part so if you see a mistake with their names or something like that just ignore it for these first couple chapters

okay new story how y'all liking it?





what is bey running away from?

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