idk mix of events

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Tanjiro's Pov

Genya started sneaking up on sanemi with a large snow ball
no reason
Inosuke had his eyes closed I was pretty sure he was still awake
Moichiro just stared at them
I looked back at Inosuke and I shaked him
He opened his eyes like a hawk
Leave me alone
And with that he closed his eyes again
After a few hours it started to get dark

Aoi walked out
It's getting dark and the hot chocolate is ready
I woke up Inosuke he looked annoyed but he got up
For some reason he loved laying in the snow
Nezuko got up and ran inside she loved hot chocolate especially in cold Winters
Mitsuri turned on the TV and let out a soft sigh
What's wrong Mitsuri?
There's gonna be a snow storm
She quirky got up when obanai walked into the room
I siped some of my hot chocolate

Inosuke's pov

What's wrong?
I stared at what she gave me
What is it?
It's hot chocolate?
What do I do with it?
You drink it? But be careful it's hot
I finished it in 3 minutes
I got up and went to look for Monitsu it was quiet for way to long
I couldn't find him anywhere
And we're was Nezuko?
My thoughts were stopped when Monjiro pulled my hand
Come on it's time to open the gift's

Tanjiro's Pov  (sorry for changing POV's so fast)

I pulled Inosuke I had got a gift for everyone
Sanemi was shaking Mitsuri
Can you let me go?
bro let him go

(After opening the gifts because I have no idea what they would get each other)

I started looking for Zenitsu and Nezuko I couldn't find them I started to get worried
I gave up and went to bed Inosuke was in bed it was late
I just layed their should I get up and look for them more
So I just went to bed I was thinking to much

(Next day)

I found Nezuko eating breakfast
I quickly ran up to her
Nezuko! where were you yesterday I was looking for you so much and were is zenitsu?
he is still sleeping we got lost in the woods and like in the middle of the night we found the the way back
I was so worried
Hehe sorry
It's fine I guess
I heard yelling I quickly ran to were it was coming from
False alarm
Sanemi was just bullying Mitsuri.
Can you let me go?
I refuse you know I would refuse so their is no point of asking.

(So for the short chapter)

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