New Students

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Jason signed as he settled down for another boring school day. The battle for Triforce had ended a month ago and so had their journey. He already missed Dabi, Dana, Ryan and ......Isobel. When she gave him that kiss on the top of the tower, he thought his heart would burst out of his chest. She was beautiful. Her luscious locks of cerulean blue hair and her unblemished pale skin were smoother than silk. Her-

"Jason!" A yell broke through his thoughts. "Wha- Juliet?" He stuttered. "Pay attention for gods sake!" She yelled. "Sorry," he scratched the back of his head. Ever since he came back, he'd been dreaming about Isobel. He started daydreaming about her during class as well. He'd already been reprimanded several times for spacing out when he was supposed to be concentrating on class.

Just then, the teacher walked in. 'Now kids, today we greet three new students, and welcome back an old one. Once again, I ask you all to be nice to them." Then, Dabi, Dana, Ryan and Isobel walked in and Jason was barely able to keep his mouth closed. Although the class' attention was initially on the new pupils, it quickly shifted to Isobel.

Jason's breath was taken away and one look at his fellow classmates told him that they were feeling the same. Isobel had filled out nicely during their time apart, and her body was a perfect hourglass shape that would only become even more prominent when she grew up. Her creamy complexion was as pale as ever and her hair was the same beautiful blue.

Jason saw a few lights flashing discreetly out of Isobel's red bag. He peered into it and found all of the Mecardimals. Jason snapped his attention back to Isobel as she walked towards her old desk. Kelvin and Brandon were practically drooling as they watched Isobel sashay to her seat in front of Jason. "Well, miss me?" Isobel asked him with a smile on her lips. Jason felt his face heat up while every boy in the room- bar the teacher- glared at him for taking Isobel's attention.

School just got a lot more interesting.

Author's note

After I searched online for Mecard stories and found none, I decided to write my own for others to enjoy. This fanfic is purely self indulgent and if you enjoy this you're welcome to stick around, but if you don't like this, just don't read.

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