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The beauty of nature
Which no one can resist
Is present everywhere
If you see.

In the morning,
The sunrise,
sunrays falling softly
And sunset in the evening
has a different beauty.

The blue wide sky
With soft fluffy clouds
You may recognise in them
A face you know.

Trees stand tall
Plants, small, with flowers
The greenery of
Lush green grass
Here and there.

Sustaining life in not one
But many forms.
Providing them with the best
Service, the living could have got.

Beauty, in woods
Beauty, in sea
Beauty could be find everywhere
If you look closely.

Nature makes a person
All the more beautiful
Having thoughts as clear as
That like the sky.
Smile as beautiful as the sunrise.

Patience like that of the plants
Brimming with kindness like the trees.
Helping others to grow like you
That's what nature teaches you.

And if you think everything ended
The sunset reminds, there will be another day.
Green lush grass,
Filling the land,
Sends the message to love all
As much as you can.

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