Chapter 1 - The girl who believed

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Note : This is the Hermione's moms backstory. It is very important for the plot that im building up. This also takes place in the Marauders era. 

Trigger warning : Slight mention of rape, abuse and harassment. 


Pureblood Jean Laide Granger erased from the family tapestry after finding out she was sorted in the house of Hufflepuff at the age of 11. That was the headline of the Daily Prophet in the year she entered Hogwarts. Her family, the most noble and wise house of Granger; who only had descendants going into the house of Slytherin, were extremely disappointed. Motivated to prove them wrong, during her first year she excelled. Garnering lots of positive attention from everyone, she became top of Hogwarts in no time. Proving to her family that even when she is in a different house she can achieve great things worthy of her name. She got accepted into her family again. she believed she was happy. She went on with her life trying to keep the spot as the daughter of her parents daily.

As her second year in Hogwarts arrived she was called to return home. She was then informed that she is arranged to be wed to the Potters. She again believed she felt happy since this was the end goal of any pureblood child. To be worthy of a wedding and be arranged to a man who will benefit the family name best. although she was constantly reminded of how she couldn't have gotten anyone more worthy of their name since she wasn't in the house of Slytherin. With tears in her eyes, she reminded herself were made because pure joy. She believed she was happy, lucky even.

When her 3rd year arrived that was the time when the small signs of bullying started. The Gryffindor saint seemed to have targeted her. She couldn't wrap her head around it since they were not actually close acquaintances though she and her fiance were close. they really didn't talk much to each other. As time progressed the girl lily was accusing her constantly and even stealing her stuff just to leave it somewhere dark and sometimes dangerous places. The real bullying was when Jean confronted Lily about it and Lily just replied denying everything..

When Jean thought she would just ignore it, everybody started harassing her the next day. They accused her of bullying Lily the other day. Accusing her of hitting  Lily causing the girl to have a bruise in her arm. When in reality Jean only talked to her very shortly. When Jean denied ever bullying Lily she became the target of more harassment. James in the start defended her and was on her side knowing each other from the early years of their Hogwarts life. He knew Jean wasn't anything like the rumors have said.

But came 5th year people stopped talking to her and will only harass her publicly. Even James in the end went along with the bandwagon. One night when she was alone in the library,  Lily came near her and fell on her own shouting and crying that jean was hurting her. When no one arrived after a few seconds. Lily just silently rose up brushing off her skirt and wiping off her crocodile tears away from her face. Then she laughed and started walking off, 

stunned. Jean mustered everything in her only to voice out one simple word. "why?" 

Lily heard her and stopped mid track she turned around only to shrug and say "why not" then walked away. Jean stared at Lily only to feel the tears coming out of her eyes. She stayed in the library hiding that night.

6th year came around and what felt like a countdown finally struck zero. James ended the engagement accusing Jean of 'infidelity' when in reality it was him 'cheating' on her with lily. When Jean confronted James asking him how he managed to come up with such conclusions. James simply answered that Lily saw her with the Snape boy. She then tried to figure out how could Lily do such a thing. Snape and her didn't even interact with each other ever since being assigned to a task in a potion class way back in their 2nd year. Then she realized the incident where lily got tired of Snape throwing him out of her life causing Snape to lash out and call her a slur. 

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