Chapter 1

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Ariana in MM


Ariana Carter's Gianvito Rossi black pumps clicked against the hard floors of West Law Firm. The delightful scent of Joy by Dior filled everyone's nostrils as she strutted to her office. She gave her associates small smiles and waves as she strolled by. She was not a morning person so that was the best she could offer at the moment.

When she finally reached her office she reached into her Givenchy Small Antigona glazed leather satchel and pulled out her keys, unlocking the door. The smell of vanilla bean noel filled her nostrils as she opened the door to her office. Vanilla was one of her favorite scents, other than pumpkin.

When Ariana got settled she grabbed her phone and texted her assistant Maya. Maya was a 21 year old college student majoring in business administration. She had started out as Ariana's intern for the summer, but she left such a good impression that Ariana offered her a full time job. Since the pay was good, Maya took the job and began attending school online.

While Ariana waited on Maya to bring her morning coffee she browsed through her emails. Even though she had just checked her emails the night before, there were still a lot of them. She responded to the ones that were important and placed the ones that weren't in her trash folder. A knock sounded on the door, causing her to look up.

"Who is it?" Ariana questioned.


"Come in." Maya entered Ariana's office with a small cup of coffee in her hand.

"Good morning." Maya greeted Ariana.

"Good morning, your dress is lovely." Ariana complimented her.

"Thank you." Maya gave Ariana a light smile. It was a simple dress from Fashion Nova, nothing like the expensive clothes Ariana wore.

"You're welcome, thanks for the coffee."

"No problem, is there anything else you need before I go?" Maya questioned.

"No that's all for right now."

"Alright." Maya exited the office.

"Mmm." Ariana moaned as she took a sip of the coffee. It had just the right amount of everything. Her coffee consisted of Dunkin' Donuts' original coffee blend, whole milk, caramel flavoring, and liquid cane sugar.

Since it was almost time for Ariana's first client of the day, she pulled up his file. Ariana was a criminal defense attorney. She had gotten her degree from one of the most prestigious colleges in the country, Harvard. Growing up, she was a very smart child. She attended the most elite private schools and went to college at the age of 16.


The day had gone by quick. It was now past 11:00 p.m. and Ariana was still in her office looking over one of her client's cases. She was defending a 20-year-old on trial for second degree murder. The person he had murdered was a part of a rival gang. Right now, he was looking at ten to thirty years, but Ariana was trying to get that number reduced.

She looked up from her MacBook as she heard keys being placed into her door. A few seconds later the janitor entered her office with his rolling cart. She had to admit, he was a nice-looking man. He had smooth chocolate skin and waves. He reminded her of the Arizona Cardinals player AJ Green.

"My bad, I didn't know you were still here." The man apologized.

"it's fine, I'm getting ready to leave anyway." Ariana shut her computer off then began grabbing her things.

When she gathered all her things she headed to the door. "Have a nice night." She gave the janitor a small smile.

"You too." He mumbled watching Ariana's backside as she walked out of her office. It was sitting nice in her blue Balmain monogram jacquard skirt.

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