I'm sorry (5)

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Alright, so! Thanks for the support on the previous chapters! Being honest I'm not sure if this can live up to what you're hoping qwq. After this chapter there'll only be two left, but if the support continues I'll gladly expand on this AU!



Yashiro and Amane stood, waiting for something, for a couple of minutes. What, exactly, they were waiting for, who knows? Yashiro certainly didn't, but she could tell that something was making Amane scared.

She could feel his heartbeating in his chest, so fast she thought he was going to pass out at any moment.
"Amane-kun?" She rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He looked down at her, surprised.
"What did you see in there?" She felt his heartbeat speed up even more, however that was even possible.
"I thought I told you?- it was just a cat. Don't worry."

"I don't believe that. Why would a cat scare you?"
"Scared? Me? What? Are you sure??"
"Please, Amane-"

Before Yashiro could finish her sentence, she felt something push her. Something with a lot of force. Almost inhuman.

A boy walked calmly towards her, and grabbed her hand, stopping the fall. Yashiro couldn't see his face, as she had her eyes squeezed shut, preparing for the impact of the ground.

"Aww, c'mon, open your eyes! Stop being boring!" The boy said, and that was when Yashiro knew. She recognised that voice.

The boy that... no, wait. What was his name again?


Hearing what Amane said, Yashiro opened one eye, and saw the boy in front of her. Unlike last time, his appearance was much more disheveled than it was the first time she saw him. Rather than his choppy hair being combed nicely, it was instead messy, same with his shirt. It was like he hadn't bothered to make himself look nice, and got dressed purely for the sake of finding Amane.

"Amane! What are you doing here? You didn't tell me your were going anywhere!" Tsukasa dropped Yashiro, and ran closer to his twin. He stared at him for awhile, with an incredibly strained smile. There was a hint of anger present, but Yashiro couldn't tell if it was from Amane or Tsukasa.

"I didn't think you needed to know." Amane sternly said. He didn't look comfortable, but he seemed much more confident than before. Maybe it's because we're in public? He probably doesn't think Tsukasa will do anything out here. Come to think of it, why didn't he want Tsukasa to see me?

"You didn't? That's a bit rude, don't you think?"
"I don't think it's rude. I'm allowed to do things without you."

At this, Tsukasa tilted his head, very sharply. His smile stayed, although now Yashiro could tell that the anger she could sense was his.
"Oh? But you'd do what you don't want to with me with her?"

Yashiro stood up, wiping the dirt from her clothes. She hadn't payed attention to the last part of their conversation and was surprised to see both boys looking at her, Tsukasa pointing.

"W-What? Is there something wrong?" She couldn't think of much else to say, but she didn't need to ask. She knew something was wrong. But what?

"Is there something wrong with me wanting to spend time with someone other than you?" Amane spat, almost trying to test Tsukasa.
"Is there something wrong? No! Of course not. Everything is fine. Well, not right now. I'll make it okay, though!!" Tsukasa turned back to face his brother, once again smiling.

"What do you mean you'll make it okay? There's nothing to make okay." Amane responded, confused.
"Oh, you're so ignorant, Amane! I'll show you." Tsukasa turned to face Yashiro again, and walked up to her.

『I D O L  B O Y』 • HANANENE/AMANENEWhere stories live. Discover now