The Faceless Idol 1 (1)

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Alright, hello! Before this chapter starts, here's some info in case you didn't read the description! (Please do read this if you don't read descriptions, it's important for the story.)

Alright, so this story is set in my own version of the idol AU, and it is PURE FLUFF. There's some moments that aren't (they're more serious/emotional scenes), but I make sure to add plenty of fluff after to make up for it!

•Hanako is alive in this AU, and "Hanako" is just a stage name he uses. He's a faceless idol, so all you hear are the songs, but nobody knows who he is or what he looks like.

•Yashiro and Amane aren't close at all in this AU. She knows his name, but they've never had a full conversation, only ever the basic classmate conversations you'd expect.

•Amane's parents are the only ones who know that he's an idol. Not even Tsukasa knows.

•Amane doesn't have any friends in this AU, like in his canon backstory. He doesn't skip classes, however he does always have bandages or plasters (bandaids if you're American) on places like his nose and arms.

•Tsukasa is very much like how he was in canon in this AU. His parents are aware of what's going on with him, but they're too scared to do anything because of things that will be revealed later on.

•Amane's personality is overall the same as in canon, same with Nene. There are a few differences, but they can mostly be observed in the story.

Hello there! I'm your lovely protagonist, Yashiro Nene! I'm a first year, class 1A in Kamome Academy! My classmates are great, but I really wish they would stop calling me a daikon! I'm no daikon!


The classroom door burst open, as Yashiro ran in, just barely making it on time.
"SORRY IF I'M LATE, MY ALARM DIDN'T GO!" She yelled, and her homeroom teacher turned to look at her. He gestured to her seat, and told her to sit down.
"I really am sorry, Tsuchigomori Sensei!" She blurted out, running to her seat.
"It's fine, just make sure this doesn't happen again. Only a few seconds later and you would have missed me taking the register."

Yashiro sat down, sighing. Her hair was a mess, she hadn't even had time to brush it. What a mess...
"Wow, you look awful, Yashiro-san." A boy said behind her, and she groaned, slamming her head onto the desk.
"Thanks for the compliment, Yugi-kun. Really appreciate that." She said sarcastically, and the boy chuckled.
"I'm kidding." He said, still chuckling.

The boy was Amane Yugi, and despite him usually being quiet and keeping to himself, it seemed something today had made him happy enough to speak at a normal volume.
"Nene-chan!" A girl said, and Yashiro lifted her head to look at her.
"Aoi! Thank god you're here!" She breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she wouldn't have to spend the day alone.
"Why would I not be here, Nene-chan?" She asked, but she didn't wait for a response. "Did you listen to the music awards yesterday? It was amazing!" The purple-haired girl beamed, and Yashiro suddenly remembered what she had been doing. She clenched her fists in her hair, and yelled into the desk.
"No, I didn't! I was too busy doing that stupid assignment!"
"Wasn't that set a few weeks ago?"
"Well, yes, but I procrastinated too much! The latest episodes of that anime were too good! I couldn't miss them for the world!" Yashiro cried, and at that moment she heard someone trying to hold in their laughter behind her.

"Pff-" Amane held his hands over his mouth, trying to not laugh. Yashiro whipped her head around and glared at him.
"What are you finding so funny?" She continued glaring at him, causing his eyes to widen, and he removed his hands from his face, turning away from her.
"Nothing. Sorry, Yashiro-san." He apologised. Yashiro suddenly felt bad, and she stood up, walking closer to his desk.

She stood over his desk, and he looked up at her, tilting his head in confusion.
"You don't need to apologise, Yugi-kun." She told him, before turning away and sitting back in her seat.

Aoi pulled out her phone, to show Yashiro the video she'd saved.
"Here, look! The music awards! Someone nominated that faceless idol, uhm... what's his name again?"
"Oh, you mean that idol that calls himself Hanako? Pretty dumb name choice if you ask me, I mean, he's a boy. Hanako is a girls name."
"I'm sure he has his reasons, Nene-chan!" Aoi pressed play on the video, and the announcer proceeded to speak.
"Thank you, everyone, for attending this years music awards! This year, we had many great nominations, but the winner of this years festival is none other than our favourite faceless idol, stage name, Hanako!" Aoi pauses the video, and slammed her hands happily onto Yashiro's desk.
"Isn't that amazing, Nene-chan?! An idol who's only released three songs, and not to mention never shown his face, WON the music awards!"
"I guess it is pretty cool."


Yashiro flopped onto her bed, tired from the day that had just occurred. Once she had finally relaxed, her phone began to buzz. She checked it, only to find a message from someone on a messaging app.
Hello! Is this Yashiro-san?

Yes, who's this?

It's Amane!

Could you explain why you're messaging me? We aren't exactly friends.

Well, do you know about the music project our teacher wanted us to do?

No? I wasn't here on Monday.

Well, nobody wanted to be my partner for it, and we need to work in pairs. So I thought that we could be partners for it!

Did you? This doesn't really seem like something you'd usually do. You're so quiet in class.

you got me there- after you left for first lesson this morning your friend came up to me and said that us being partners was a good idea. Idk why she did honestly, but she also gave me your username on here so I could message you!

That explains a lot then! Okay well, how should we do the project? Should I come to your house so we can work on it?

My house?? No I don't think that's a very good idea- I could come to your house and we can work on it there?

Alright then! I can come find you tomorrow so that we can go to my house right after so we don't forget to do it. Does that sound good?

That's great! Cya tomorrow!


I guess tomorrow, I'll be working with Yugi-kun on the music project. Although, I do wonder why doing it at his house wasn't a good idea.

『I D O L  B O Y』 • HANANENE/AMANENEWhere stories live. Discover now