7 - The Homecoming Hangover

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"It was all in his file. Toby and Jenna had a relationship." Aria said.

"Way beyond step-siblings." Spencer said.

"Yeah, they were involved." Aria said.

"Romantically?" Emily asked.

"You can't call it romantic when it's basically rape." Katherine said, looking up with red eyes from crying. "I refuse to believe that Toby would do that to me. I refuse to believe that he would do it to Emily. Jenna forced him."

"How do you know it wasn't the other way around?" Spencer asked.

"There's no good way to explain, Spence. Just, trust me on this. Please." Katherine said, her mind going to what her and Alison had seen the night of the Jenna thing. 

"Fine. I'll drop it. But I still think that they're A." Spencer said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, whatever." Katherine mumbled.

"Who knew Rosewood had this many cops?" Hanna asked, walking into the room. "I went to put this back, and they were outside the doctor's office talking to Toby's shrink. They know this was stolen." She said, pulling out the file.

"Can I see that?" Emily asked.

Hanna handed Emily the file. "If anyone saw me go into that building last night, I am so hosed." She said.

Aria's phone started going off and they all snapped their heads to look at her.

"Is that from?" Katherine asked.

"No, my mom." Aria said.

"Oh, that reminds me. Spencer, I need your help with something. Can you come over tonight?" Katherine said.

"Yeah." Spencer said.

"Awesome, just bring your computer."

"I better go home." Aria said, reading her moms text.

"Yeah, we should probably go too." Hanna said.

"I'll give you a ride, Kat." Spencer said.

"Bye, Emily." The three girls said.

"Bye." Emily said.

"Feel better, Em." Katherine said.

"We love you." Spencer said, walking out the door with Katherine.


The two brunettes walked into Katherine's house and ran up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry that my mom was on the couch. She had some friends over last night and they were all snorting coke until six this morning." Katherine said.

"It's fine." Spencer said with a small smile. "Now, what did you need my help with?"

"Finding my dad." Katherine said, nervously playing with a string on her sweater.

"Your dad? I thought that you hated him." Spencer said, opening her computer and looking up Ryan Maybell.

"I do. A wants me to find him." Katherine said.

"There's a Ryan Maybell in Philly. Think it's him?" Spencer said.

"Click on the profile. I'll recognize him." Katherine said. "Oh my god. Who are the people in these pictures?"

"It says that, that woman is his wife, Bailey Maybell. Those four kids are his. Two are bio, two are adopted." Spencer said.

"Road trip to Philly?" Katherine asked.

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