Kiely Smith

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My ears were pounding from my alarm, I leaned over and shut it off. Still laying in my bed I opened the curtains to look outside. The sun was just rising but the city was as bright as midday. I looked down at my phone, the screen read 7:00am, and it was almost completely dead. I got up to plug my phone in as I got ready for school, then I realized I was still on facetime from last night. My eyes were still half closed so I just put my phone face down on my desk and went to brush my teeth. After I was dressed I picked my phone back up, I texted Mathew and said "good morning" then hung up the facetime. He was still sleeping because his school doesn't start until an hour after mine. My mom had already left for work, so I left home early and walked to Dunkin to get breakfast. School was so boring. We did the pledge at the beginning of the day, at lunch I walked by myself to the store to buy food. Then at the end of the day I walked home, alone.
My books and white running shoes were soaked. Once I opened the door into the lobby my shoes made an obnoxious squeaky noise as I walked to the elevator. Once I got into the elevator and got out my phone, I opened the camera to see my curly hair all frizzy, and my face was bright red. The cold wind from the doors shutting made me get goose bumps all over. I waited as I watched the numbers of the floors over the door change. Once it got to number 23 the doors opened and I walked out into the carpeted hallway. I got out my key for the apartment and opened the door thinking no one was home. To my surprise my mom was sitting on the couch, with a glass of red wine in her hands.
"Hi?" I said, as I walked through the door.
"Kiely where have you been?" my mother asked.
"Um, school." I replied as the door shut behind me.
"You were supposed to pick your brother up from school today," she said, " I had to leave work to go pick him up."
"Well what did you want me to do?" I asked "leave school and go pick him up?" I said in a mocking tone.
My mom had just stopped listening and focused back on the TV.
I walked past the tv and into my room. My brother was there sitting on his bed with his ipad in hand. He probably didn't even notice I had come in. I put down my books and bag on the floor beside my desk and went into my washroom to get some privacy. I sat down on the hard cold floor and leaned my head against the door, with my eyes closed. Just thinking about how much I wanted to leave this house. Then I remembered my dad was going to be home from L.A tomorrow, that would just make things ever worse. My eyes started to blur with tears, once he got home I would not have a minute of privacy. He is like my mom but ten times worse. Then my phone that was sitting face down on the floor started vibrating, I picked it up and saw it was Mathew. I wiped my eyes then I answered the call.
"Hey." I said in the happiest voice I could fake.
"Kiely, guess what happened today!" he shouted.
"What happened?" I asked in an over excited tone.
"My dad and I got the car to start up!"
"Yeah and it works really well too!"
I was so happy for him, he had been working on this car for so long. Seeing him happy almost made me feel like I was happy.
"Maybe one day I can come and pick you up in it." he said with a smirk
"I will be waiting right here," I replied.
"So how was your day today?" he asked
"Another boring rainy day."
"Did you make any friends today?" he mocked
"Shut up, I've only been going to this school for a month."
"In a month I would have already been friends with the whole school." he said confidently
I smiled but before any words could come out of my mouth I heard a loud knock on the door then my mom screaming
"Kiely what are you doing in there, get out and clean your room"
I quickly hung up the facetime and just sat silently on the floor, I couldn't even get words out to respond.
"It's like a pig sty in here oh my goodness." I could hear her mutter to herself as she walked around my room.
I took a deep breath then got up and unlocked the door.
"Mom, are you kidding?" I said "I was going to the washroom, please calm down"
"I come home from a long day of work everyday and all I asked is that you clean your room"
"It's not just my room." I snapped "why aren't you yelling at henrik too?"
"Kiely I am done having this talk," then she stormed out of my room.
I walked back into the washroom to grab my phone and call Mathew back. I realized that I needed to plug it in as it didn't get a full charge last night. I walked over to my bed where the charger was located and plugged it in, then I called back Mathew.
"Hi, sorry my mom came in."
"I am so offended." He joked
"Yeah, did I tell you about my walk home fr-"
I heard my door bang open, and my mom yelled
"Who are you talking to?"
I quickly tried to hang up my phone but it wasn't working. My mother walked over to me and laid her hand out waiting for me to hand her the phone. I finally managed to hang up the call, but I wasn't just going to hand it over that easily.
"What do you want?" I asked
"Your phone, now!" She raised her voice
"No," I said as I pulled my phone against my chest
"What are you hiding?" She sneered
"Mom, leave me alone."
Then my phone started buzzing... It was Mathew. I was startled by the buzzing and then my mom grab the phone,
"Kiely, who is this?" she asked "I told you you can't just talk to random people on the internet!"

A couple hours later...
Music blasting in my ears just trying to drain out the chatter around me.The bus couches were starting to actually feel comfortable, I could just fall asleep right now...

I woke up to the bus bouncing. There was rain crashing down on the windows. I could see the goose bumps through the rips of my jeans. I started to panic because I realized that I had no clue how much longer the bus ride would be. I started to realize that maybe I wasn't prepared, I was going to Canada for heaven sakes. I don't have winter clothes or winter boots. All I own are ripped jeans and crop tops, but it can't be very different from Portland anyways I thought to myself. I went to check my phone and see what time it was, and then I saw a text message from my little brother. I never thought about how this could affect Henrik, we don't have the best relationship but I was like his second mom. I started to think about how without me he is going to grow up in daycares, I won't be there to see him graduate from 1st grade. My eyes started to fill with tears, trying my hardest to keep them from falling. The last thing I needed was everyone on this bus to see me crying. The more I thought about it the harder it was to keep them in. Then the tears started steaming down my face. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from making any noises that might draw attention to me.
I put my phone to my chest and stared out the window. I could only see rain pounding on the glass. I put my hand on it and it made a fog outline. I started tracing the rain drops down the window, my tears almost falling just as fast. I wish I had more time to think about this, I thought to myself, I wish my mom would have let me stay. Even though she was the one that told me to leave she would still be furious if I told her I was going to Canada. I would hope that after she thought about it for a bit she would be worried for me. I was close, so close to the people I have been waiting to meet for over a year. I had never been to Mission before but I have heard so much about it. The bus stopped and I snapped back into reality, I was really here, in Canada. The bus dropped me off in Abbotsford, but Mathew was coming to pick me up. My heart was beating out of my chest, I was meeting him for the first time. I stood up and my legs felt limp. I hadn't stood up in hours, my hand grasped the cold metal bar as I tried to keep my balance. I grabbed my bag from the overhead, and took a deep breath. The doors of the bus opened and the people in front of me started to slowly exit. I just knew Mathew was out there waiting for me, just out these doors. I thanked the bus driver and stepped down the steps, one foot at a time. The cold air hit my face like a knife. My eyes met with his, he was standing at his car. It was the one he had just got working. I instantly ran over to him dragging my suitcase behind me. My arms wrapped around him, his arm around my waist. His hoodie was wet but his touch was so warm. I could hear his heartbeat as my head laid on his chest. After what felt like days, I pulled away and looked into his golden brown eyes. My eyes shifted up and down from his eyes to his lips. I lifted my hand and wiped off the rain from his red cheeks. Then we moved in closer, our lips were so close they were almost touching. It was cold and I could see his breath. Then he ran his fingers over my freckled cheeks and grabbed my face to pull me in all the way. It felt like a breath of fresh air finally entered my body after suffocating for so long.

Kiely smithWhere stories live. Discover now