Chapter 2 A new world..

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The next morning Ruby woke up with a sad face, she was leaving the world that she had spent her childhood in. Now she was going to a new world to start a new life again at the bottem of the socal latter... a slave. But she had to put that behind her, she was going to leave wether she liked it or not.She packed her few belongings in a small bag. this consists of; 1 change of "clean" cloths, a water bottle, a few peices of scrap mettle and wires, and a small tool kit. She had no toys of eny value to her. Well she had no toys period. As she walked down the hallway to the kichen she could hear her mother talking with someone.

"What do you mean?" she heard her mother saying.

" i mean I can't personaly bring her in to the village" said the man that was standing in the kitchen. He must be the portal jumper.

" but why?"

" i have a nother client to take care of" The man said.

" You know that this is her first time leaving this world. At that point Ruby

" Ruby come over here please" her mother called out. Ruby ran over to her mom, her long red hair bounsing behind her. " this is Jacks he is going to take you to konoha" her mother said trying to hide her saddness in her voice.Jackes nelt down so he was at eye leavel with ruby.

" Hi there nice to meat you" Jacks said to ruby with a carring smile on his face. Jacks seemed nice to ruby. He had short blueish hair which was strange to Ruby but his eyes where kind and they looked they where older than he looked. At that time Ruby did not know that a Portal Jumper became semi emortal once they agreed to be one. They would age much slower than normal humans. but they would eventualy die.

"h...hi" ruby said shyly she still was being cautiuse around him she still didnt trust him enough yet.

" Well we better head out we dont want to be late." Jacks said straightenign up. " you ready?" he asked Ruby holding out his hand for her to take. Ruby hesitated she was scard  this was going to be the last  time that she would see her mother. atleast for a long time. but she did eventualy take his hand. "Weel off we go" he said as a portail oppend. Jacks stepped in and held out his had to ruby to follow. she did. The last thing that she saw was a tear eskaping her mothers eyes. Then the portal

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