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Author: As A Little Princess was for Elsa, this fic is about Jack's lonely childhood, set in my AU. Prequel to Jack Frost, so, potential spoilers for said fic and its sequel fic. Yes, it's quite lengthy. This was posted as a 'two-shot' on when I was worried about it being too long... Not on here. :P


The doctor put away his tools, wearing a soft smile, "As I guessed, everything's perfectly fine. You have a very healthy baby boy."

Nicholas Overland was relieved to hear it, but he still couldn't understand just one thing that felt off since his son's birth, "And there's no explanation for why he feels so cold?"

"Well, it's true that babies tend to have higher body temperatures, but it's typical that their arms, legs, hands, and feet will feel colder than an adult's."

"We mean his entire body. We're afraid he's going to get sick!"

"Your baby isn't even shivering! Which is amazing given the time of year it is. I assure you, the only case you've got is new parent jitters."

Nicholas could only sigh; he was a trusted doctor in his hometown, one that would never leave someone's illness undiagnosed if he could help it. If he said his son was all right, then he must be all right. "Let me walk you out. Oh, and don't forget your coat."

"How could I? Gods, Skadi isn't having it today, is she?" He said, referring to the thick snow that blanketed the ground.

Emily Overland listened to their banter from the nursery. She held her newborn wrapped in a dark blue blanket. He'd been a bit timid and fussy over having a stranger's hands examining him, but once his mother held him, the infant Jackson Overland drifted back to sleep. Emily lovingly bounced him as she smiled adoringly at his cherubic face. He looked just like her. Nicholas had said so himself the moment they first saw him.

"You're not even a little chilly?" She cooed in a hushed voice. "What a strange little baby you are." She brought her nose close to his so she could nuzzle it.

Nicholas re-entered the room, settled now that he knew all was well, "I guess we were overreacting. He's fine."

"I told you." Emily laughed. "Say I just sneezed a few times and Daddy got all worked up." She mimicked their son in a babyish voice. Just because they were parents now, that didn't mean Emily was going to stop teasing her husband. "But weren't they the cutest sneezes?"

Nicholas only smirked and peered down at little Jack, sound asleep. "You're a warrior, little man. Y'know that? His first winter and not a single fuss so far."

"Can you believe this'll be our first Yule as parents?"

"There'll be a lot of firsts we'll have as parents, Em. How about we list them as we go to bed?"

Emily rolled her eyes and approached the crib, "All right, my little angel." She whispered as she set him down, made sure he was under his blanket with his hand-sewn teddy bear. "Night night." She stroked his tiny hand before backing quietly out of the room. It was the twentieth of December that night, exactly one month after their son had been born. At midnight, it would be the winter solstice... and also what would be the strangest, most horrifying night the Overlands would endure.

A mere hour passed before they were awoken in their bed by their son crying. A completely normal, mundane occurrence. Emily had no wary feelings as she slid out of bed and put on her slippers to brave the chilly floor leading down the hall. Though, she had one thought right as she was about to enter the nursery. This wasn't Jack's usual cry; he would whimper and whine most nights, but tonight, it was a wail, almost a frightened one.

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