Chapter 9 - Family

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Author's Note: Welcome to the grand finale of this fic! I hope you all enjoy the ending! Thank you all so, so much for voting, commenting, and/or reading this story! I hope you aren't disappointed by the ending! 

If you want a few afterwards, well, I'll tell you what we headcanon. Obi-Wan eventually marries Sabe. Ahsoka marries Rex. Vader eventually finds and marries an OC. And they all live happily ever after. ^-^

To hiep16: Well, this is the end! I hope you enjoyed it! :D

~ Amina Gila

"Let's hope this report is actually accurate this time," Ahsoka mutters as she and Vader make their way through the outskirts of the same city where they found Windu. By the time they were recovered enough to move from their injuries, there was another report that this time seemed to more accurately match someone who could be Ventress.

"It is," Vader replies, a warning note slipping into his tone as he seems to spot... something. Ahsoka turns, gaze falling on a masked figure standing on top of a nearby building.

Ventress, for certain. So, she finally decided to come out of hiding? She jumps off the roof, landing in front of them. "I see you've found yourself a pet, Skywalker."

Ahsoka snarls, lunging forwards – or trying to – because Vader promptly catches her arm. "We're just here to talk, Ventress," he tells her.

The Nightsister reaches up, opening the visor to her helmet. "Talk?" she echoes dubiously, "About what?"

"You're the only fully trained Sith left," Vader replies bluntly, "You're the only one who could help reestablish a Sith Order."

She blinks, staring at them seeming at a loss for words for a moment, and then she laughs. "You're asking me to teach you how to be a proper Sith?"

Ahsoka really wants to strangle her right now. Because no, she absolutely does not want anything from her. She'd rather run Ventress through with a lightsaber more than anything, but she wisely keeps her mouth shut.

"In fact, I am," Vader confirms, eyes narrowed.

"What makes you think I'm even interested in starting a new Sith Order?" Ventress scoffs.

"You're a Sith. It's what we do. I didn't ask you to lead it, either. We need..."

"This one needs a crucial lesson on control," Ahsoka interjects loudly. "I don't know of anyone else who could teach him."

"Controlling the Dark Side," he scowls. "You're a Fallen Jedi, too. I know of no other who could show me."

She seems to be considering it for a few moments before replying. "I'll think about it."

A small part of Ahsoka almost hopes that she's going to refuse. But they do need help with this new Sith Order, and if she learned to get along with Vader... maybe she can at least tolerate Ventress. Only time with tell.


Rex was anticipating the chances of a lot of strange things when General Skywalker and Ahsoka finally returned to Coruscant from their long trip around the galaxy, but this was definitely not one of them. The last thing he was ever expecting was for them to walk in with Ventress in tow, and Ahsoka to cheerfully explain that the former assassin will be sticking around to teach them more about the Force.

Ventress... who fought against the Republic for so long and was considered a war criminal. Well, he supposes it's not a lot stranger than the General allying with Ahsoka, but still. The place seems to be steadily filling up with all the people that he's not entirely comfortable being around, and he can't help but wonder who's going to be next.

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