the blood of a clan

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note I do not own Naruto, Star Wars, or eny other existing charecters/ places that already exist. all that I own is my character Ruby.


It was a cold day on tatooine. well what you would call cold on a desert planet. the day was ending as the two suns set in the distance. A young girl who looked to be about three ran around out side as her brother tinkerd with his pod racer.

" Ani, Ruby, time for dinner" their mother called from in side their house. "comming mom" Anakin called back " come on Ruby lets go."" ok " Ruby replied as she ran over and grabbed her older brothers hand as the made their way in to the house. the two siblings enterd the house. The three of them sat down to eat their dinner." Ruby remember tomarrow your hedding out to meat up with the Uchiha clan to hellp them out around the head of the clans house" Rubys mother reminded her for the hundreth time that day. " yes mom I remember" ruby said with her head down this would be the first time away from home and Konoha was worlds away. she was not happy about leaving. she had heard romurs that, that world was at war the last thing that she wanted was to be in a world with fighting. " Are you ok sis?" Anakin asked. " Yha Im fine" Ruby said hidding her fear. That night Ruby lay awake wondering about the new world that she would get to see in the morning. she eventualy fell asleep next the her brother and dreamed about this new world

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