1: just a normal day in UA

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(Narrative POV)

A beautiful day in Japan, so far there has been no villian attacks! In the dorms of UA, everyone was minding their own business, having fun with friends, enjoying the peace...


Scratch that, the explosive tempered teen has been set off..

Izuku Midoriya.. a male with seaweed green hair and eyes the color of emeralds in the dead of midnight, has fear written all over his freckled face as he watches his childhood friend and bully being held back by the red haired male with matching red eyes.

"Bakubro calm down! Your gonna get in trouble with Aizawa sensei again!"

The ticking time bomb growls, still keeping his ruby colored eyes on the target in mind.


The scared greenette was currently trying to get a safe distance away from the loud blonde.

"I-I didn't mean to bump into you kachan!! I-I'M SORRY!!"

Luckily a raven haired man with a scarf, came through the door, entering the dorms.

"What is going on in here..."

After a while of getting everything back to normal, Midoriya decided to head out for a walk, seeing as there isn't any classes today, he decided to go to a cafe for a coffee.

'Well.. that was a way to start the weekend..'

As he walked into the cafe, he placed his order and went to sit down. Looking around he notices that people are in big crowds, either couples on dates, people working on computers, or just friends hanging out.

'It's too bad everyone was busy today, it might've been fun to hang out'

Just after his thought, his order was done, he went up and paid for the coffee, heading out to continue his walk.

After a while he decided it's better if he heads back to the dorms, as he walks, he passed by an alleyway.. but just as he's a step away from it, he gets an uneasy feeling. Curiosity gets the better of him, but common sense allows him not to foolishly step into the alley. As he looks in the alley he didn't see anything... but he swears he saw a single eye staring right back at him...

After that he immediately ran back to the dorms, throwing the empty coffee cup in the recycling bin.

When Midoriya got back, he was breathing heavily, letting out a sigh he was holding in. The few people in the room look to him in confusion.

"You okay, Deku? Your a bit pale."

His good friend Ochako Uraraka, asked him.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, d-don't worry!"

That was a flat out lie, and she knew it, but she didn't want to force it out of him.

"Alright.. but if you need anything, I'm here for you, Deku!"

Her smile was completely contagious, a while back he used to be flustered, he might've also had a tiny crush on her for a bit, but she actually started dating Tsu, but in all honesty, he was happy for them!

"Thank you Uraraka.."

Since it was almost nightfall, and curfew was drawing near, he made his way to his dorm room, brushing his teeth and getting changed into his night attire, he lays in bed and waits for sleep..

But right before giving into the dreamland, one thought haunts his mind...

'Who was that in the alley?'

Deku's descent into madness (MHA AU [oc insert])Where stories live. Discover now