Chapter 22

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I think it's been 3 months since I've updated Chapter 21 — omg. To make it up to you, IM UPDATING IN THE FRIGGIN HIATUS. is that even allowed?

Well I'm still updating. But it'll probably be who-knows-how-long until I get Chapter 23 onboard lmao



"I'm dead." Jay groaned.

"No you are not," Kai huffed. "Get back up."

"Why would I listen to you," Jay asked, lying on the hard rock ground.

"Get back up," Nya said.

"ALRIGHT WAIT A SECOND— I'm upppp," Jay said in a sing-song sort of voice, then whispered, "I think I see The End."

The tunnel lead to a dark rock area with bearskin covered over the dugout entrance. It smelt kinda weird.

"Boys, you go over there. You're supposed to tell me and the others if the Book is in there. And you—" Skylor pointed at me, "You aren't going to jump out and do stuff without thinking, aren't you?"

"No," I said, wincing at her glare.

"Then good."

We stalked near the entrance and saw that nobody was there. Interesting. Was this a trap, or did they just leave? They couldn't have just left — right?


I peeked around the corner and waited for Skylor's signal. She looked at me, and nodded. I crept with ninja skills and stood near the door that awaited to be opened. Inside the room. It must be inside the room.

I crept toward it and didn't notice a jagged rock sticking near my foot.

And... guess what? No, nothing happened. I safely crossed the side and ran for the door.

 There was a small slit where I could peek. I looked inside and saw the Book, rested at a very weird angle. I couldn't wait. I needed to get it. I need to prove myself.

But.. I ended up returning. I mouthed to Skylor, "it's there. In a room."

"Can we get in?" Skylor mouthed back.

"No. But there's a small slit, I think we can make it bigger."

"How small?"

"About as small as... an eye."

Skylor sighed and then turned to the rest and signaled. Then she, Nya, Kai, and Harumi crept to the door and rounded the corner. 

The rest including me? We crouched, waiting for a signal.


"RUN OUTSIDE NOW!" Shouted Nya hysterically, and she pushed me toward the tunnel. We heard a huge hiss and saw Skylor frantically snatching the Book from Kai, and I was at the front. Soon we burst through the opening of the cavern and saw a huge portal standing in front of us, and with no hesitation, we jumped in.

Or so I hoped we jumped in.



The Destiny ceremony was about to start.

Wu paced around his office, wondering when those people would come back. They were teenagers! How could he have risked their necks to send them on this — this horribly dangerous mission? 

He could not wait - no longer. He summoned a portal and placed it near the opening of the cavern, making sure that only Disjago citizens could access it.



Thank you for accompanying me on this. The hiatus was terribly long, I'm so sorry. I do hope you enjoyed!

1-2 more chapters to go and then an epilogue! 

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