In Trouble

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Previously, Jenny's colleagues were unknowingly abducted. It's up to their newfound friends to save them.

Meanwhile, Rigby's ship was going at the lightest speed. He notices the Cluster ship.

RIGBY: Follow it!

But it was too late. That ship took an even more massive speed than his.

RIGBY: Dang it! We need to catch up! But this spaceship just goes on it's own speed to Cluster Prime, so...

BENSON: AW, SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP! We'll never catch up with them!

RIGBY: Not my fault.

Sooner or later, they do arrive at Cluster Prime. They see robots everywhere.

MORDECAI: Woah. Dude, this is so WICKED! These people are awesome! But Jenny... we have no time for sight-seeing. We gotta save them! But, which one of these buildings hold her?

BENSON: I don't know, but stick to the plan!

SKIPS: No offense, Benson, but your plan was kinda rushed & has no direct path on how to. But since we've just been here, I guess it makes sense.

Meanwhile, they traverse the city until they are spotted by Snarus, the Cluster police chief. They are scanned, & the scanner deems them outsiders.


MORDECAI: Step aside!

SNARUS: No, can't do.

BENSON: I don't care what your game is, ugly guy, but I swear if you don't let us rescue Jenny, you're FIRED! HEAR ME? FIRED!!!

SNARUS: You're affiliated with XJ-9? Cluser police, arrest them!

They kidnap the Park gang & send them to imprisonment. Luckily, Skips uses his own techniques to free them from their capture before they could reach him. He leads everyone back to the ship while they rush out of the Cluster police's way.

RIGBY: Let's get out of their way!

Rigby controls the ship while everyone is on the run. It swivels too far, causing some dizziness between the group.

BENSON: Can't you be cautious?

MORDECAI: We can't Benson, we're on the run! Just put up with it!

MUSCLE MAN: You who else needs to put up with this? MY MOM!

MORDECAI: Rigby! Look out!


They unsuccessfully dodge the buildings, causing havoc & destruction around the place. Some lives were killed.

MORDECAI: Oh, well, these bad guys deserved it anyways.

HI-5 GHOST: Uh, I felt like I have been so quiet for oh so long.

MUSCLE MAN: You know who else has felt like she's been so quiet for oh so long? MY MOM!



Rigby's ship crashes into someone's lair. Smytus realizes it's his lair from a long distance.

SMYTUS: Hold on, I gotta see this!

Smytus goes to see the commotion at his throne room. Meanwhile, Jenny sees herself trapped in an orb.

JENNY: Wha? What's going on?!

VEXUS: I'll tell you what's going on, XJ-9, you're under my capture!

JENNY: WHAT? How are you so big & I'm so small?

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