𝟎𝟔𝟔; ᴛᴀᴄɪᴛᴜs ᴛᴜᴛᴏʀ

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OPHELIA KNEW that Ron and Hermione, would be waiting for her. So she got up and decided to get back to the common room since it was almost time for dinner.

"I remember this. Back when you actually ate dinner on time, without us having to threaten you by calling, Astrophel." Hermione said.

"Shut up." Ophelia mumbled.

The screen showed her taking lefts and rights, the halls becoming a maze she had no trouble remembering.

"Eidetic memory my ass." Louis, Ron, and Hermione chorused, making Ophelia flip them off.

She came to a dead end.

"Where am I?" She questioned as she hadn't been able to explore before today.

"Wonderland." Barty mused.

"You know muggle literature?"

"No..." Barty trailed off, unconvincingly.

Ophelia took a closer look at the wall in front of her. Estimating how far she was from her common room and the dimension of the castle and Ophelia feels like there should be more here.

For the next 10 minutes, she looked at every square inch of the wall.

"10 minutes? At looking at a wall?" James questioned.

"Like you have room to talk. Years chasing mum, but never got her." Ophelia said, making them laugh.

Then she found it. In the left side floor corner was two words carved into the stone.

"Tacitus Tutor?" She whispered.

"Titties?" Elias questioned.

Silas sighed, before he bonked her on the head.

The sound of stone rumbling caused her to freeze. She turned back to the wall only to see an elaborate door made of silver with the four house animals carved into it partially open. She pushed the door the rest of the way open. She slowly walked up the stair her found, her curiosity too much for her to turn away. The second door at the top of the stairways was plain wood and without hesitation, she opened it.

"What the fuck?" Barty blurted out.

The room she stepped into lit up as the door closed. The room was huge and demanded her attention. The walls were stone and the stone floor was covered with a large back area rug that had glitters of silver and gold intertwined in it.

"That is pretty."

There were three doors that led to other rooms but Ophelia concentrated on what was in front of her.

Two silver couches and a black chair sat in the middle of the room. They were all positioned to be angled to the fire, leaving a space for the heat and light. The fireplace was huge with grey stone fireplace. Over the fireplace were four portraits.


Ophelia froze in shock.

So did most of the hall in realization.

In Hogwarts A History it said no portraits of the founders could be found yet here he was looking and being looked at by all four. Two women were the left ones while the men were the right ones.

"Holy fucking shit....."

In the farthest left was a brunette with her hair tied into a simple knot on the top of her head. She wore a brown and yellow dress with draping sleeves and box cut neckline. Her skin was golden from the sun and her eyes were the purest amber.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃; ʜᴘ (𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now