Make Him Say Your Name, Part 7

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So ladies, how good are you in bed? When I first got married in my twenties, I had no concept of what it was to be good in bed. I thought, it's a vagina and men like vaginas and that's all there was to it, boy was I wrong.

 And for that reason, I used to dread having sex because, I found no pleasure in it. I found it to be just another chore, like washing dishes...I'll do it because, It's has to be done.

But after my divorce, I learned from a now ex-boyfriend, the power of how to effectively use my femininity in bed to achieve pleasure for myself and to put it down on him. In other words, I learned how to make him say my name.

The first thing I learned be present in the moment. You should not be thinking about filing taxes, the grocery shopping or the upcoming episode of your favorite Netflix series. Be present. Eye Contact. Passionate Kisses, and talking kinky shit in his ears. Some men will act like, "Oh women shouldn't talk like that." And those are the ones that don't know how to put it down. 

For instance, when Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion came out with WAP, Ben Shapiro had some things to say about the song. He acted as if he didn't know that the vagina is supposed to get moist when the woman is aroused. Basically, he just let us know a whole lot about his sex game.

It's supposed to get moist, hence there's a whole industry for sexual lubricants. Who wants a penis going into a dry vagina, all that friction, tearing up the labias. Sir, sat down. 

The next thing is...take charge. It's customary to let the man do all the work, but every now and again, take control. Grab him by the shirt, push him back on the sofa and mount him, put your boobs in his face and make him say your name. Whisper in his ear, "You like it?" Then grab his chin and look right in his eyes before kissing him. That's intense. He will know, you are a force to be reckoned with.

 In missionary, most women will just lay there, but nah, you need to be moving those hips, wrapping your legs around him, biting his shoulder (not hard) lol, and grabbing his ass.

In doggy style, you have to throw it back. Push it back or whatever you call it. 

Explore different variations/positions. Look into the Kamasutra and you'll discover, there are plenty of positions besides the same four or five you've been doing.

Don't be afraid to say what you like and don't like. 

The other thing is most women climax differently than men. Slow tempo for women, whereas most men get off the faster they thrust.

If you find it difficult to climax from penetration, then stimulation of the pearl will he's swimming in your pool is a great idea.

And one of my final tips is...when performing oral, you need to hold the master piece with authority. Don't place his manhood between your two fingers, holding it's like a worm you've found out in the garden. Hold it like a microphone that you're about to sing into, as if you're trying to win a contest on The Voice. Make all four chairs turn around! 

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