Chapter 1

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Your POV:
I was called in I'm not to sure why tho,but I have a feeling I'm about to shortly, I knocked on Great_Day's door he respond come in so I entered the room closing the door behind me, he pointed to a seat wanting me to sit down than he finally broke silence "Y/N I need you to go on a undercover mission to find out what the Night's are doing do you think you will be Abel to handle it" I just replied "yes sir,of course I can handle this" he then replied "good and remember just please be careful" I just nodded as I stood up, I left the room shutting the door behind me. I packed a few things then I waited ti'll dark i used some broken glass and rocks to cut myself,than I put glass in my skin fell over on purpose made sure I looked tired and scared I made sure I looked like I was in a terrible condition. I started to run toward their base acting scared and making sure I was playing dumb I ended up running a few meters pass Joyous_night, but suddenly I collapsed because I was tired and in pain I blanked out.

Joyous_Night's POV:
I was just out patrolling the area than I se this person running they looked terrible and scared than they collapsed as soon as they collapsed I ran over to them they looked like they were in the worst possible condition someone could be in shook them then said "H HEY WAKE UP"but They didn't respond,so I picked them up surprisingly they were light as a feather I then rushed the person inside I cleaned there wounds and the mud off their face.

Your POV:
I suddenly woke up on a bed I didn't know where I was I looked around I was not outside anymore than as I sat up in a bit is pain I saw I tall male at the door way looking at me his skin was a mix between a grey and a black he wore a yellow tie a yellow arm band with a red triangle on it it was kinda scary the he muttered "it's rude to stare ya know". I then just turned my head away he came closer to me and sat on edge on the bed,he broke the awkward silence "so umm why were you running from the direction of the Day's city" I stayed silent but I knew i had to reply,I let out a small sigh "I did something wrong but I didn't mean to and most of the other civilians weren't on the same page as I was" I said in a sad filled tone.he then said "I I know I shouldn't really do this but how would like to stay with for a bit", I thought to myself I can't say no I need information I just nodded "well I'm taking that as yes so for now rest up because tomorrow you have a long day ahead of you"

Word count:517

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