The Mist

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It had been a few weeks and Munk hadn't seen Kelsey since that night in the woods but he couldn't stop thinking about her. There was something he just couldn't shake.
Every time the bar door opened or he heard a group of girls laughing he'd look over, just to see.
Even though it had been a few weeks he still had some nail marks on his back. He smirked as he though about them.
"What's so funny?" One of the regulars asked.
"Oh nothing" he laughed and poured another drink.
His shift ended and he made his way back to his truck kicking at the gravel as he went. Shoving his hand in his pocket searching for his keys, he caught a scent that stopped him dead in his tracks. He turned round to see Kelsey leaning up against a lamppost across the road from the bar watching him. Fumbling he dropped his keys. When he looked back up across the road she was gone. He scanned the road side. No sign of her. His heart sank. He did see her right?
He turned to walk to his truck to find her standing just a few feet away from him. He almost fell backwards in surprise. 'How did she get there? How did she move so fast? How did I not hear her?' All these questions in his head.
"H-Hi" he said
She smiled that same cheeky smile the night they meet.
"Can we go for a drive?" She asked
"Uh... yeah sure" he replied a little confused.
They both climbed into truck, took off down the road. Music playing. The cool night air flowing through the open windows of the truck. Her scent hitting Munk. Her long hair gently flowing loosely around her shoulders. The car stereo playing 'Dangerous Woman' by Rosenfeld.
"I love this song!" She said turning it up. Her body swaying with music.
She seemed different tonight....

"Any requests on where to go?" He asked.
"The beach. Let's go to the beach"
The drive was longer than to the woods. Music filled the silence. It wasn't uncomfortable like you'd expect, it was strangely calm. She moved closer to him resting her head on his strong shoulder.
They pulled up to the edge of the beach. A grassy area right before the sand starts.
"Can you leave the music on? Just for a little while" she asked as she jumped out.
Munk followed her and sat down watching her dancing to the music playing.
'Secret' by Maroon 5 was playing.
As he watched her, her movements almost magical matching the music perfectly, spinning, swaying, arms above her head. She was looking up at the stars. Looking at the moonlight hitting her he noticed her hair...
He did a double take blinking his eyes making sure he was seeing what he was seeing.
Her hair was moving. On its own. It was raising up almost floating. Like she was underwater.
He moved into a crouching position not quite understanding what he was seeing.
She seemed to sense his uneasiness. She turned her gaze to him smiling. Her eyes glistening. Walking towards Munk, her hair still floating around her, she kneeled down in front of him placing her hands on his cheeks.
Munk still unsure of what was happening.
"W-What's..." he couldn't finish his question before she placed her lips on his.
A flash of images entered Munk's mind.
'A young girl surrounded by older women in the woods standing on an old tree stump.
That same tree stump from the other night.
The old woman all chanting looking up to the sky.
That weird mist forming all round their feet.
The young girl starting to raise into the air, her hair floating just like Kelsey's just did.
The mist engulfing her and then a blinding light.
The young girl laying on the stump, her arms with tattoos on them. The same ones as Kelsey.
One of the older women picking the girl up and carrying her off deeper into the woods with the mist trailing behind them.'

Kelsey pulling away from Munk's lips looking at his face for some kind of reaction. He just sat there in a daze. Taking in what had just happened.
"Was that you." He asked. She nodded.
"What was that?" He lifted her arm looking at the tattoos.
"It's magic" she replied. "I was born into a very special family. They have great power and these, these protect me" pointing to them.
Munk's eyes grew wider as she went on to explain about her family and their power. That the images he saw was a protection ritual. Her family came from some of the original witches in the area a long long time ago. Her family had made a great many enemies over the years and she was last in line.
She had such sadness in her eyes. Munk pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest. She felt safe in his arms.
They sat there in the sand in each other's arms watching the waves crash into the shore until the sunrise came. Munk still processing what had happened that night. The images he'd seen. The things she said. His instincts were right. He just knew there was something about Kelsey. He just didn't expect this.
Little did he know what was to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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