Of Bananas And Bees

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 A couple of bananas was all I needed,

All my mother did was lovingly pleaded.

They had to be ripe and coloured yellow bright,

Ten bucks I had, so my budget was tight.

So off I went on my bike, sailing on the muddy roads,

Oh! What an enchanting sight  it was,full of peacocks, puddles and toads.

It was pleasantly cool, I was soaked to the skin!

But I loved every bit, so I rode on with a grin.

I went to my right, visited many a place,

There was every item I knew,but of bananas-no trace.

 I went another way, with a little more hope

Same situation there.Oh! With these volatile markets how will I cope?

I cycled for two miles and reached the last store there, 

Let bananas go to hell, I really didn't care

With nothing in my hand,I cycled back very sad,

And then, something caught my eye, which made me really glad!

A magnificent garden, with many a tree,

Innumerable bananas on one,I could see.

I ran to it overjoyed and plucked bananas five,

Unknowingly in the process,angering every bug in the beehive.

I ran for my life, but they got the better of me,

I ended up in the hospital,thanks to the banana and the bee.

Lay beside the bed,the bananas I had brought,

Outraged I was,I left them to rot!

Nitish Vasav

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