9 Years of Unsent Letters

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Jonghyun looked down at the pile of things Key had left behind for him to deal with. The friends had been living together for a few months now but had quickly found that Key's old apartment just didn't have enough room for them, let alone their massive wardrobes. After a bit of hunting, they found a nice place on the other side of town that was better suited for their lifestyle together. Key and Jonghyun had done most of the packing with both of them there to help sort things out but right now Key was taking the first load of boxes to their new apartment so they could actual breath in the cramped living room.

Leaving Jonghyun to deal with a pile of Key's stuff that he had no idea how to sort out.

He scratched his hair and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Aish... What am I suppose to do with all this?" He paused for a second before gesturing dismissively. "I'll just pack it up best I can. If it's not how he wanted it to be than it's his fault for not telling me before he left."

Jonghyun sat down and slowly began to sort through all the clothes and random nicknacks. Clothes that could be folded went in one box, clothes that need to be hung were put in another, books and magazines where put in the bottom of the box were the random junk would be put after he'd wrapped them in tissue paper so they wouldn't break while they were moving.

After a while, Jonghyun had developed a rhythm and was about to pack things away while he mindlessly sang a song to pass the time. An hour later, there was only one thing left for Jonghyun to pack away.

It was a simple box, the kind that mothers stored pictures in before they put them in scrapbooks. There was no labels on it, no decorations of any kind, it was just a simple white box. Jonghyun looked at it curiously. He had know Key for a very long time now and he had never know him to own something like this. Everything Key owned fit a certain image he wanted to portray. Key was fashionable, a bit of a diva, and very proud in his scene of style. The box was not something Key would buy for himself.

So had it been a gift then? But from who? And even more importantly, what was in it.

He wanted to open it. He really and truly did. But Key was his best friend. He couldn't just disrespect his privacy by digging around in his stuff, right? Jonghyun glanced back and forth between the apartment's front door and the box nervously, as if Key would walk in right at that moment.

Curiosity, however, got the better of Jonghyun and he looked at the front door before slowly opening the box. His eyes widened in surprise. Letters? That was the last thing he would have expected from Key. He was too much of a modern man to regularly write someone. Jonghyun, completely abandoning his conscience at this point and picked up the letter bound in string. He carefully slid the string off them and shifted through them. There were no addresses on their from but instead were dated with a month and year, going back nearly nine years. Jonghyun opened one of the envelopes and flipped through the many sheets that had been crammed inside.

"Why do you have to be so handsome, Jonghyun? I swear I'd be totally fine and dandy if it wasn't for you. Instead I'm all confused and and uncomfortable. I really really hate this."

That was all that had been written on that page. Jonghyun looked at another and then another, all of which only had a few short sentences written on them.

9 Years of Unsent Letters {A Jongkey fic}Where stories live. Discover now