Chapter Three~Visit

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Chapter Three
Elizabeth Masen
Forks, Washington. January 2005.
Trigger warning: detailed abuse

His lips were too hard, too forceful while he kissed me, as he pinned my hands above my head and began to roam his free hand about my body.

"You're being too rough." I complained as his mouth moved to my throat. I was writhing under his hold in an attempt to escape his iron tight grip.

"I missed you, my pet." He crooned against my skin before inhaling deeply. "Sangue così bello."

I shut my eyes tightly and resisted the urge to scream as his sharp teeth scraped along my neck, scratching me deep enough to draw blood.

He lost some of his careful composure then as he latched on to my neck, sucking and licking at the blood dribbling down my neck, and I prayed it would be over soon.

He began to kiss me again, even harder than before, and as his teeth bit at my bottom lip I hissed in pain. My lip split open, pouring blood down my chin, and he only smiled before catching every fallen drop of blood with his tongue.

"Please." I whispered as he returned to the blood dripping down my neck.

His sinister crimson eyes met my gaze with a gleeful gleam, "The fun is only beginning, Lizzy."

I woke myself up screaming. Warm hands landed on me and I fought to get out of their too tight hold.

"Mom! Mom it's me!" Edward cried out, grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him. "You're alright. It was just another nightmare. You're safe."

I took in deep shuddering breaths as I stared into his bright green eyes. I had been so relieved when he was born with my same emerald eyes and not the chilling red eyes of his father. However, those red eyes were all I could see when I closed my eyes now.

It had been a full school week since meeting the Swans and Cullens, and I had been plagued with nightmares every night since. Horrible, triggering nightmares that featured my sons father heavily, amongst his coven mates. I did my best to stifle my screams before Edward could hear them, but I wasn't always successful.

Edward hummed some unfamiliar tune as I worked to calm myself down. He braced my face in his warm hands in an effort to help me gain control of myself. I sat there wondering how I was so lucky to have been gifted an angel like him when all the odds were stacked against me.

"That's pretty." I managed to speak some time later. "What's the song called?"

"It's just some melody I've had stuck in my head." He patted my face sweetly before sitting at the edge of my bed. "Are you alright now?"

I nodded, "Much better. Thank you."

"Aren't mothers supposed to soothe their children's nightmares?" He teased me. "Sorry if I was too rough with you, but you were screaming and wouldn't wake up."

"I'm fine, Edward." I assured him. "Thank you for coming to help me."

"Are you sure you're alright? It's been awhile since your nightmares were this bad. Has something happened recently?" He worried for me.

"No." I lied. "Nothings happened."

He frowned at me, probably knowing that I was lying, "Okay."

"So, any plans for today?" I asked, trying to liven the mood up as I got out of bed and threw my robe on.

"I was actually hoping that you could take me to school? I want to get some good practice done on my orchestra pieces." He asked.

"Of course I will." I agreed easily, looking through my closet for something to wear. "Trying to win that solo in the end of year concert again, hmm?" I teased him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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