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    "Hmhm~ Quite the life, sweetness. It sounds repetitive and boring." He stretched as he stood up from warming his slender hands near the fire place. You sat on your bed, wrapped in a thin silk robe with a cup of tea in your hand.

"I suppose you're right, Mr. Hyde. Thank you for letting me vent to you like that- I didn't mean to come off as annoying at all." You softly giggled and he shook his head a little, his black curls bouncing with the little shake and grin.

"Not at all, dearest. Would you mind me spending the night here? I'm on the run, I'm afraid." "On the run? Have you done something wrong?"

His grin faulted a little and he turned to your fireplace again, picking up a broken picture frame he had noticed earlier and picked up a small shard of glass, fidgeting with it. "Well you've seen my face, so I doubt what I'll admit will scare you all that bad." He said with a light chuckle.

"Well.. it does depend. If it involves the harm of a woman, or anything like th-" "Of course not. I'd never harm a woman in that way. But it was a murder." He said, his grin tightening into a more insane one as he clenched the glass in his fist.

It shattered in his grip and you jumped a little at his words and at his sudden action. "Murder... I see.." You looked down at your cup, thinking for a moment.

Edward stared down at his hand as he unclenched his fist, opening his hand and staring at the bloody mess of his hand, waiting for your response.

"He was annoying. I hate people who can't listen to me." He said with a sigh, scanning his hand a few more times.

"I-I understand that!" You said suddenly, immediately turning your head up to look at him.

He grinned and licked his teeth as he stared at you with a confused expression.

"You feel as if no one listens to you..? I understand that." You said, sitting up straight and relaxing your shoulders. He grinned and shook the glass shards from his hand, the bloody specks of glass rained across your marble floor as he approached you.

You didn't move, for you were not afraid.

His fingers slid over your collarbones and you were gently pushed down. Once again, he was on top of you.

He stared down at you with a hungry expression. A soft growl rolled from his throat- like that of a lion about to pounce.
The fear you had before wasn't there anymore.

"You're so strange..." he leaned closely to your neck, you could feel his breath against it and it gave you butterflies. "Strange..." he growled softly against your neck and you gasped at the feeling of his tongue against it.

Something was different though. Two.. two..? No. No- his tongue was split!

Your cheeks went a deep red, and your thoughts went lewd. It was accidental, but you could see where the situation was going anyways.

He chuckled and sang his razor teeth into your neck, making you yelp a little. "Strange indeed.. no average person would find this arousing I don't think." You could feel his fingers beginning to slide down your stomach after undoing the cloth strap to your robe.

"Strange enough to be a Hyde in my opinion~"

𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊 ° 𝑬𝒅𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑯𝒚𝒅𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 • [𝕄𝕒ℤ𝕞]Where stories live. Discover now