not bad

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Saturday. Ray and Sydney sat on their couch and anxiously waited for the clock to strike 3:30. It was 3:28 now, nearly there. They were both secretly hoping for the other to call this whole thing off. Neither were sure they even wanted to go but they were both equally determined to get their sibling in the band.

"I guess we should get going then," Sydney said into the air. She stood up and grabbed her bag off the dining room table.

"I guess we should," Ray stood up and put on his jacket. He slung his guitar case over his shoulder. "We walkin'?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's only a couple streets away, we got this," She said as they stepped out of the house. She reached for a fist bump, which was reluctantly reciprocated. "C'mon! You're gonna be great! You're awesome dude! Unbelievably awesome at that!" She reassured him with a firm pat on the arm.

"If you say so," A smile crept on his lips.

They started walking down the sidewalk towards Frank's house. Making a point to crunch on leaves and avoid cracks. They weren't exactly used to the New Jersey cold yet. It was only October and it was practically below freezing.

"You're gonna do great too by the way, Don't forget that you're the best drummer I know!" Ray said out of nowhere.

"Stop being nice to me before I throw up," Sydney fake gagged.

"You say that like I'm not always nice to you!" Ray said, kind of defensively. Sydney giggled.

"What about 3rd grade? When you put gum in my hair?? Hmmm?" She interrogated.

"That was a million years ago!" He shoved her shoulder.

"I can still hear the clippers buzzing next to my ear," She shuddered. Ray rolled his eyes at her dramatics.

"You have to admit that your side shave was pretty cool though,"

"I guess, still never forgiving you," She jumped onto a leaf, disappointed by its soggy squish.


They stood in front of the plain, average, symmetrical house, both unsurprising and completely shocking.

"It's a lot more...normal than I was expecting," Sydney said.

It was a simple little white house with a dark wooden porch. A cute wooden porch swing and many flowery hanging plants decorated it nicely. It smelled like cigarettes and flowers but it was charming in its own way.

"Yeah," Ray agreed. "He definitely has nothing to do with the decorating here" He rang the doorbell.

As they waited for an answer they looked over at the porch decorations. There was a little patio table fitted with an ashtray and some cigarette butts next to the swing. No doubt from Frank, and maybe from his parents. One could imagine having some nice long talks here. It seemed homey enough, for a house occupied by a rancid teenage boy. Finally, a middle-aged Italian woman with dark wavy hair answered the door.

"Hi?" She said, it was more of a question than anything else.

"Hi! We're here to see Frank?" Sydney answered for the both of them. The woman, who they assumed to be Frank's mom, grinned.

"Oh! You must be that girl and her brother," She said. Sydney nodded. "He's in the basement with his friends, I'll show you,"

Frank's mom stepped back and let them inside the house. They looked around the house, taking in the furniture and decorations. It was very...neutral. Tan couches against tan walls and brown carpet. All tied together with yellow curtains. It was ugly, but in a charming, unintimidating kind of way.

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