2. New discoveries

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In front of him stood a dementor. But the odd thing was, Harry could not feel its effects. Then the dementor made a screeching noise which, surprisingly, Harry understood.

Hello young sir. I am a messenger from my lord. He wishes you to come to his manor.

Harry understood who the dementor was talking about. He nodded to Odbert before walking to the dementor. It touched him, and the world became a spinning mess. He landed on his arse.

"Ouch. Where am-" Harry opened his eyes to see a beautiful hallway lit with numerous candles and torches. The floor was made of polished marble tiles, the walls lined with shelves and torches. He looked up and saw chandeliers with the floating candles. He was forcefully reminded of his first night at Hogwarts. 

Harry stood up and walked ahead slowly, taking in the beauty of the place. As he was gawking, someone spoke from behind, startling him.

"Welcome home Master. I am Grimm. More commonly known as Death. You became my master a few hours ago, when you came in the possession of the resurrection stone. You were already the master of the elder wand and my cloak of invisibility. I can feel that you are really broken and blame yourself for the unfortunate demise of many. Do not worry. I know a way to fix this mess. Though I can't send back the dead, I can definitely  teach you many things before sending you back in time to save the dead. You will still have all of your knowledge and abilities."

Harry nodded so Grimm lead him further into the manor till they came to a closed door. It was HUGE. There were two dementors guarding the door. Grimm turned to Harry before saying, "Young master, this is the room of the dead. I am taking you here because I know that there are so many things they could teach you. Even if they don't want to. I can have even Voldemort teach you everything he knows. He can't harm you as you are my master. We will have anyone you want to learn from teach you along with those I consider necessary."

Harry suddenly remembered something he wanted to know.

"When I took an inheritance test, it was said that I had many potions and blocks which reduced my capability and tied my love to Ginerva. Why is that? And are the other Weasleys in on this or know about this?"

"The blocks were placed because you were too powerful and Dumbledore feared that you might go dark. As for the love potion, it was that girl who did it. Albus or the other Weasleys have no hand in it."

Harry let this all sink in before he turned to the door. It opened.

~I think that's 2 chapters in a day.

Signing off~

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