Twenty-one months and Dangerous Date

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Yuu pov

Today was the day I was going to do it. I was going to tell Control how I felt and ask if she'd tell me her name. I glance at myself in the hotel mirror and sigh trying to get my fingers through my tangled hair. Currently Control was getting the two of us food. I had just gotten back from taking a whole bunch of abilities and we planned on spending the night at the hotel since there were a ton of abilities to take in the area. A lot of teens. 

"I'm back Yuu-cchi!" called Control from the window. She lets herself in through the third floor window and presents a pizza that looked very much stolen. The box was half falling apart. 

"What the heck did you do to get that?" I ask laughing a bit. I'd been doing a lot o laughing lately according to Control. 

"We don't speak of that," she said smiling and throwing me a slice of cheese pizza. I take it and begin to take large bite. She just nibbled on hers and somehow still finished her piece before I finished mine. 

"How the heck did you eat that so fast?" I ask looking at Control with bewildered eyes. She just shrugged and begun her second piece. 

"So I have something to ask you, first off get out of my head so I don't have you controlling me and knowing what I'm about to say." I say to her. She sighs and I feel her presence in my mind leave. 

"Alrighty, go on," she says. I take a deep breath and breath out in one long breath what I want to tell Control. 

"I really like you, like not in a friendship way, like in a romantic way," I suck in a large breath of air and continue. 

"Will you please go one a date with me?" I say bowing my head to the girl I am unable to take the ability of. The hotel room is silent only the sound of our breathing for a few minutes. When Control opens her mouth I almost flinch not ready to hear her response. 

"I was waiting for you to admit that you like me!" She smiles and takes my hands squeezing them gently. 

"Of course I'll go on a date with you," she says then smirks. 

"But we're broke so you wanna go on a wonderful date in the rain to the convenient store?" she laughed. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"well I don't feel like stealing money or food so yeah, the convenient store it is," I respond. 


Two hours later the two of us are standing in the middle of the convenient store looking at chips and bars. 

"So um, what do you want?" I say trying to compose myself. Sure me and Control had been to stores like this before but never had it been a date. 

"Chips please," she said taking a bag and handing it to me. I check my money. 

"Alrighty," I say and the two of us walk to the counter buying the bag of chips. I got an energy bar for myself.

After purchasing the little bit of food in other words, our dinner. The two of us left to go on a long walk. It was dark out and the street lights were on making Controls face glow in the light. her e/c were bright with joy and that filled some part of me with joy as well. The two of us were walking side by side in a comfortable silence until she spoke. 

"You know how you call me Control?" she said in a soft voice. I knew what was coming and nodded swallowing the lump in my throat. 

"I've told you once before but I got scared and removed the memory right away." she said taking my hand in the dark. I give it a little squeeze and she glances towards me. 

"Well now I'm really ready to tell you," She says. I nod and we stop in a park staring at the swings as they sway gently in the night breeze. 

"I'm name is, y/n." she says. The name is perfect for her. It fits her so well.

"y/n," I say in an voice that seemed a mile away from my body. I felt like I was watching this happen not actually being there. 

"But at this point you're so used to calling me Control that it might be hard not to." she says quickly. 

"I mean if you like the name Control better you can always call me that," I cut her off for two reasons. The first and original reason was to stop her from dissing her name but the second came a moment later when two teenagers started rushing at the two of us yelling profanity. Our hands part and we turn to the teens. 

"Leave us alone," I whisper more to myself then to anyone of the teens running. It was clear now that there target was me. The one eyed reaper. I touch my bad eye and sigh stepping towards the teens. 

"Leave us alone!" I shout it this time and they stop practically growling at me. 

"just take the abilities and let's go," y/n calls to me. I nod and do the job swiftly. The teens in shock fall to the ground. 

"Come on let's get going," y/n says taking my arm and leaning into me.

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