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The adventure squad was getting ready to go to Alaska to see the dog sled race and was wearing warm clothes.

"I can't believe we're going to Alaska from a contest that Ron won" CJ says.

"I know" Ron says "I wasn't expecting to win, but I did"

"I called mom and she said it was ok to go and she said I could get a puppy from there if they have any"

"I want one" CJ says.

"Mom said no to you" Cali says "you already have that little chihuahua of yours and I don't have any pets and besides I've always wanted a husky"

"Cali does have a point" Ron says "she is the only one without a pet" he touches his chest "I mean you have a chihuahua and I have Bernese Mountain Dog"

"I didn't know you guys had pets?" Dan says.

"Of course we do" CJ shows Dan a picture of her dog on her phone "that's mine"

"Of course we do" CJ shows Dan a picture of her dog on her phone "that's mine"

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"It's cute" Dan says "boy or girl?"

"Boy" CJ says.

"Here's mine" Ron says and shows him.

"Here's mine" Ron says and shows him

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"Wow, big boy" Dan says.

"Big girl actually" Ron says.

"Oh my bad" Dan says.

"It's ok, don't worry about it" Ron says.

After a little while longer the 4 of them were ready and to avoid traffic they traveled by portal and they were off.

But as they traveled through the portal a weird storm happens and they all get strikes with lightning ⚡️ and that made them change into Gorillas.

But then they saw CJ get turned into a little kid and she was passed out.

"What just happened?" Ron asks.

"No idea" Dan then saw the other end of the portal open up "but I think we're about to find out"

They then come out of the portal and they saw that they were in a jungle.

"Where are we?" Cali asks.

"We're in a jungle" Dan says.

"But why?" Ron asks "we're suppose to be at Alaska for the dog race"

"I think that weird storm has something to do with it" Dan says.

CJ groans as they saw her wake up as a young child.

And she looks at them.

"Did I fall asleep?" CJ asks.

"CJ, are you ok?" Cali asks.

"I'm fine" CJ says "are you ok?"

"We're fine" they said.

"Come on I think I saw some water over here" CJ says and gets up and walks away.

"Ok, something is definitely wrong" Ron says "CJ is actually being nice"

"And she doesn't seem to be surprised about us being gorillas 🦍" Dan says.

"Your right" Cali says "to what both of you said" they watch her play in the water "she's not acting like herself"

They then watch her and see what she does. But when CJ asks to come play they go play and was fun.

"That was fun Cali" CJ says hugging her.

"So you know who we are?" Ron asks.

"Of course" CJ says "your Ron and Cali and Dan my brothers and sister"

They gasp on what they heard.

They then help her catch fish and they cook it and that gave them time alone to talk.

"Ok, something is definitely wrong with her" Cali says "I mean she seems fine, but the way she said that. It's like she's lived like this for a long time"

"And she thinks we're all her siblings and you both know I'm not" Dan says.

"I know" Ron says.

"So what now?" Cali says.

"Hey guys" they look at CJ "come back, the fish are ready"

"We're coming" Cali says.

"Maybe we should ask her what she knows" Dan says.

They nodded and went to join CJ and they ate fish.

"Hey CJ" Cali asks and she looks at her "do know how we got here?"

"What do you mean? Y'all have been here since y'all were born" CJ says.

"And what about you?" Dan asks.

"You know how I got here" CJ says "mom told us before we lost her in that bad storm last year"

"Tell us, anyway" Ron says.

"I got here thanks to a ship wreck and ended up in the beach where mom found me with y'all on her back"

They were shocked to hear this whole story.

Just then they heard something and they went to find out what it was.


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CJ Meets Tarzan Where stories live. Discover now