Chapter 3

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"You do know that you're staring at me right" they said laughing. I immediately turned my face away and could feel myself blushing so hard. "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I was just- It's just-" but they interrupted me and said "It's cool. Don't worry about it. What's your name?" I answered "Y/n". They said "Nice to meet you y/n. I'm Simon"

I finally had the guts to look back at him and then I recognized him. He was the cute choirboy. He sang at one of my first days of school because it was some special day. I don't even remember what it was, but I do remember his voice was angelic! If he wouldn't be into guys so obviously I could've easily gotten a crush on him.

I realized I was quiet for too long and now he was staring at me questioning if I was okay. I finally found the courage to speak again. "Hi Simon! Nice to meet you too. You sing in the choir right?" "Yes! Was my singing so memorable that you remember me or what?" he said laughing again. "Noo- Uh I mean yes but- What I mean to say is yes you're singing was great! I'm not sure if that's why I recognized you, but oh well" I said laughing like he did.

"Thanks for the compliment!" he said "Is it okay if I join you here?" "Yeah sure!" I said and weirdly I think I meant it. That was new, but oh well.

We ended up talking some more and studying a bit together until he had to leave for choirpractice. Just before he walked away he turned around again and asked "Can I get your number? Maybe then we can hang out some other time again?" I smiled at him and said "Sure! I'd like that." And I gave him my number.

After he had left I decided I was done here too and went to my room. I was still in amazement that somehow I seemed to have made a friend here. I didn't expect to! And well it made me quite happy actually that I did. I would've been fine too if I hadn't met him today, but I'm happy I did meet him.

After hanging out in my room for a while I ended up getting bored. I did all my schoolwork already and sitting on my phone for so long became boring. So I thought let's go to the gardens! I grabbed my jacket, put on my shoes and put in my earphones. I walked toward the exit when I ran into someone and I tripped.. I mean to be honest what did I expect. So I just stood up again and acted like nothing happened. But then I saw who I bumped into. Simon was looking at me with his questioning face again. So I started laughing, because it look funny and kinda cute too actually. My laughter caused him to look even questionable to me, which of course made me laugh even more.

When I stopped laughing he asked "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine! Sorry to have held you up." I said. "No worries! Where were you even going at this hour?" I looked at my phone and saw it was almost 6 o' clock. "Oh shit I didn't realise it was dinner time already. I guess I'll take a walk after dinner then" He chuckled and said " Yeah that sounds like a better idea."

Then we just stood there for a minute and he said "Well are you coming or not?" "Oh yeah sorry." I replied. So we started walking towards the dinner halls. Sadly boys and girls had meals seperately so I couldn't sit with Simon. I guess I was sitting alone again. I don't mind tho. I like eating in peace.


After dinner I went towards the entrance again, because I still wanted to go for the walk I planned to do earlier. When I arrived at the entrance I saw Simon standing there looking at me. So I walked up to him and asked "What are you doing here?" "Well how funny that you ask. I was waiting for you actually" he said laughing at my confused face. "I thought maybe you'd let me join you on your evening stroll" he said. I laughed and said "Well of course monsieur! Your pristine request to join me on this walk has officially been accepted" mocking his fancy talk. He laughed and we started walking.

We ended up walking for quite some time. We admired the beautiful gardens and talked about our life's. I wasn't too open, because well I didn't know him for that long yet and well certain things I have to keep to myself. But he didn't have any problem being open so the conversation never fell silent! Which was great, because that made it feel like a very relaxed conversation.

When we walked back towards the entrance he said "Well like I said I'm gonna go home now, so I won't go back into Hillerska with you." Simon told me earlier that he was a non-boarder so he doesn't sleep here and he had to go home with his sister by bus tonight. It was quite sad that my only friend was a non-boarder even though he still was at Hillerska from early in the morning until the evening or afternoon. But oh well.

I gave him a short hug and said "Goodbye Simon! See you tomorrow!" "Bye y/n! See you later!" he said as he walked towards the bus stop where his sister would be waiting for him. I couldn't wait to get to know who his sister was! That's also something weird about me I guess. When I become friends with someone I want to know everyone who's important to them too. And I want to know as much about them and the people who are important to them. I'm not sure why, but that doesn't matter anyways.

I stood there for a while watching Simon walking towards the busstop and waiting for the bus. When they stepped into the bus I finally turned around and walked back into Hillerska. I went to my room and got ready for bed. I was just gonna binge a series until I fell asleep, but when I opened my phone I first saw a message from an unknown number. There was only one person who that could be of course, so I opened it.


Heyy y/n! Today was really fun! I'm glad I went over to talk to you. Well, sleep tight and I'll see you tomorrow

Hii! I really liked today too haha. Sleep soft and see you tomorrow

Even though our 2 sentence-conversation felt really cringe it made me kinda happy for a bit. I'm not used to messaging people so I hope what I said was acceptable. But I'm sure it's fine.

I ended up indeed binging a series until I got too tired to stay awake so then I decided to go to sleep. I'm not even sure why I was so tired. It's not like I did something today but oh well.

A/N: I'm sorry for not introducing Wilhelm in my story yet. I know this is a Wilhelmxreader story and not a simonxreader one haha. No worries Wilhelm will come. But I first wanna work on the relationship between Simon and y/n. But don't worry I have great ideas for later on in this story! Or at least I think they're great haha

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