Chapter 19

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️: R@pe, de@th, explicit language

If you cannot handle the things listed above, I urge you to skip this chapter. If you still decide to read it, that is at your own risk and I will not be responsible for anything if you do so.


sooo I just came up
with a concept for the
sequel of this book ;)
this chapter is also sort
of a continuation of
chapter 10 haha

This is what makes us girls
We all look for heaven and
We put our love first
(Lana Del Rey - This is what
makes us girls)


Flashback to August 2018
Coraline's POV

After the night with Gio, I managed to get out of the bathroom and go to my best friend's house. I was a complete mess when I arrived at his front door but I really didn't care in that moment. All I wanted was for someone to be there for me, just for a minute.

"Oh God, Cora, come in and tell me what happened" Damiano said with a worried look on his face.
"Thanks" I replied and stepped into the little red painted hallway of the Davids' house.

"My parents and my brother aren't home right now so we can stay in the living room. Just sit down right here, I'll be right back" he told me as he pointed at the couch.
I nodded and carefully sat down on the soft piece of furniture with pillows that, for years now, had felt way too many of my tears than they ever should have.

Damiano came back with two cups of chamomile tea and a plate of homemade cookies than his mother had baked.
He placed the plate on the little wooden coffee table and sat down next to me on the soft couch.

"Now tell me what happened to you" he said and handed me my mug with tea.
"I-It's just.."I tried to talk but it all came out in a stutter.
"It's okay, Cora, take your time" Damiano then said and put his arm around my shoulders.
His presence alone made me feel a lot better.

I told my best friend what had happened the night before and as much as he seemed sympathetic and understanding of my situation, he was incredibly furious at Gio.
"Come here" he said and pulled me into his chest.

I enjoyed the feeling of being held by someone I trust so much. The scent of a mix of cigarettes and men's cologne felt so familiar and comforting to me that I could've fallen asleep right then and there. They say home is where the heart is and mine was definitely with Damiano, he just didn't know.

"I'll kill him when I see him" he said after a while and I pulled away from him.
"Don't say that" I replied and wiped the tears that I'd cried during our talk.
"Why not, he deserves it" Damiano argued but I shook my head.
"No one deserves that" I said and Damiano rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"I know you always try to see the positive in people but not everyone's a good person and you know that too. That guy deserves everything he gets in life, in a negative way obviously. What he did to you is unacceptable and he needs to be held accountable for his horrible actions, okay?" he explained.

I knew he was right, Damiano was always right.
But I couldn't bear the thought of sitting in a court room and arguing with a judge if my rapist should get sentenced or not. All I wanted was for Gio to simply leave me alone so I could finally live my own life again.

"I know, I guess I have to bring this relationship to an end somehow" I admitted as I took a sip of the now cold tea. Damiano nodded.
"But you have to do it as soon as possible. I really don't want that to happen to you again. Who knows what that guy is capable of and the thought of you going through it makes me sick" he replied.
I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

I had no idea how I would end things with my so-called boyfriend. The only thing I know was that it needed to happen fast. At least I had Damiano and that was all I really needed.

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