Princess Kyoshi

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Physical Appearance:

Height: 5'5

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Length: Down to her belly button

Eye Color: Light green

Skin Tone: light peach tone

Biological Information:

Nationality: Earth Kingdom, Omashu

Ethnicity: Earth Kingdom


Family: King Bumi, Grandfather

Personal Information:

Love Interest: Sokka

Weapon of Choice: She isn't a fighter unless forced, but is highly skilled in Chi blocking and hand-to-hand combat. She is a earthbender but not a master.


Princess Kyoshi's mother died in childbirth and was raised by her grandfather King Bumi. From a very young age, Kyoshi has had a great spiritual connection, she is known to be the youngest non-air nomad to go into the spirit world. When the Avatar comes to Omashu she immediately feels a connection to the young Airbender and his companions. The gentle-natured girl decides she is meant to join the Avatar and face this war, like an earthbender.

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