Chapter 13

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Oliver's POV

It's Sunday now, almost two full days since I started staying with Sam.

I never knew he was trans. I guess that's the point. He seems happy with who he is and I'm happy for him. As I wake up I yawn and rub my eyes. My glasses aren't on anymore and as I open my eyes I realize that I'm not on the couch where I last remember being. I think I fell asleep watching TV with Sam again.

Once I put my glasses on I can fully see the room around me. I sit up on what I assume to be Sam's bed. It has simple, dark blue blankets and his pillows have some cartoon characters on them. It looks like an older one, maybe from the 90s.

The walls are painted with different designs on a black background. One wall has a moon with the shadow of a wolf howling in the middle. There are a few shelves with different figures and picture frames around the wolf and it looks like he spent a lot of effort making his room look the way he wants it to.

On another wall, there's a simple design that looks like a silhouette of a lion on a cliff in front of a moon rising or falling. This wall has a few bands, movies, and show posters hanging up around two small windows watching the street below.

The wall with the door leading out has some graffiti-like art with the shadow of someone standing in front of it with a can in their hand. This wall also has shelves with various items on them, one shelf is an old skateboard attached to the wall.

In the corner of the room is a dresser and in the other is a hamper with some clothes in it. There's a desk in the corner next to the nightstand on my left that has different papers, pencils, and a few toy cars sitting on it with a simple lamp.

The alarm clock on the nightstand says it's almost nine in the morning and a yawn escapes my lips again. "You're awake," Sam smiles his cute smile as he opens the door slightly further, walking more into the room. His hair is damp and he's dressed in jeans and a graphic t-shirt. "I was about to see if you wanted to go shopping and run some errands with me."

"Sure," I shrug. I haven't left his house since I got here and I'm still worried about everything that happened Friday night but I think I should at least try to get out.

"Okay, I'm gonna make sure I grab what I need while you get dressed. Just come out when you're ready and we'll go." I nod and he walks back out of the room, closing the door behind him.

As I stretch and get up I look around the room again. My bag sits next to the door with all my stuff in it. Once I grab some jeans and a short-sleeved button-up shirt I set them on Sam's bed while I change out of the clothes I've been in for the past day.

Once dressed, I leave the bedroom and find Sam tying his boots next to the couch. His denim jacket covered in patches lay over the back of the couch as he finishes with his boots and cuffing the bottoms of his jeans. "What are we doing?" I ask as I mess with my hair to ensure it doesn't look too bad.

"I need to get groceries and make a stop on the way back, and Leah needs to borrow my toolset to fix her bike so we're dropping that off too." I nod as I put my shoes on and tie them.

"How are we carrying all that on your bike?"

"We're not," he laughs lightly. "We'll take my car. I only use the thing when it's too cold for the bike, when I have to do stuff like this, and when I'm traveling long distances but it's a nice car."

"Got it," I follow Sam out as he puts his jacket on. He locks the door behind us and leads me to where his bike is parked in a small garage next to a matte black muscle car.

"We'll drop the tools off first, then get groceries and finish up," he grabs a decent-sized toolbox and we both get in the car. The toolbox goes into the small backseat as Sam starts the car and I buckle my seat belt.

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