ch 3; the late rehearsal

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Pina looks doubtfully at Legoshi and Louis, while they are heading to the dark building, where no one are right now. Obviously because it's late, and everyone are supposed to be at their room, since the teachers and the headmaster don't want, taking any risk with any more devouring at school.
But since Louis wanted to make sure Pina is in perfect shape for their play, he persuaded Pina to meet him tonight.
And Louis begged Legoshi to tag along, since they need a guard outside the building. Someone to make sure no one noticed them. How they are actually breaking few rules just being out right now.

While Legoshi stands outside the building with the back against the door while staring at the fountain, are Pina and Louis doing their lines together inside that building.

Pina glances at the door in the middle of their rehearsal.
"I'm rather surprised..." the sheep says.
Louis raises an eyebrow.
"About...What?" He tilts the head.
The dall sheep shrugs and looks back at Louis.
"I'm actually surprised Legoshi agreed to join us tonight..."
Louis furrows the eyebrows and looks shyly down. Making Pina to tilt the head a slightly.
"I-... I have actually been thinking about, talking with you about a certain thing..."
"Like, what?" Pina asks with his heart pounding a little faster of nervousness. Afraid Louis would ask about a few certain things, he really doesn't want to talk about.
Louis exhales snorting with a small smile creeping onto his lips, while he looks up.
"I would appreciate if you could tell me, how being together with a carnivore is... Especially when the carnivore is the same sex as you..." he gulps blushing.
Pina parts the lips.
"Wait?... Do you like someone?" The sheep asks nervously, before he squinted his eyes at the deer. Eyeing him doubtfully.
He never thought he should had seen Louis as a possible rival. But perhaps he should had.
Louis nods slowly.
"Yes-... At least I think that... I'm not sure yet... Since I haven't been able to approach that animal like I want..."
"Who?" Pina asks with a firm voice.
Louis presses the lips together and glances over the shoulder at the wall, there the door is, where Legoshi is guarding from outside.
" ...Legoshi ..."
Pina exhales a nervous laugh, and the tension vanished in the blink of an eye.
"Oh? You do?" He asks and couldn't feel happier, than he ever could imagine he would.
It would be perfect, if Legoshi ends up with Louis... Then Riz and Legoshi will not hook up.

The deer blushes and clears the throat.
"Y-yeah... I do... Or I don't know... I thought I was really pissed at him for wasting his true power as carnivore... Then I thought, I only was jealous and wanted to be a carnivore myself..." Louis fidgests and places a hand on the neck.
"... But now... Now I'm not sure about that... All I can think about, is about him-... Legoshi is constantly on my mind... And lately I can barely, eat nor sleep..." Louis adds and exhales chuckling.
"According Zoogle I'm either in love or am deadly sick..." Louis explains and looks directly at Pina.
"What do you think?"
Pina clears the throat few times from the surprise over hearing Louis's secret.
"I-... It sounds as love for me... And Legoshi is a very kind animal... So, you really should try dating him..."
Louis looks flushed down at the floor, in front his feet.
Then he inhales and exhales a few times, before looking back up at Pina.
"But how do I approach him?"
Pina grins.
"Weeeeeell... What about you pretend, you have sprained your foot here?"
"Why would I do that?" Louis interrupts.
Pina snorts smiling.
"Why? Because then, he will carry you home and you get a chance to invite him in, where you can talk alone" he explains with a shrug.
"Oh!?... That's really clever... But, isn't it wrong with lying about a thing like that?"
Pina shakes the head.
"Nope! When it comes to love, everything is allowed" he chuckles.
"And as answer at your other question... Being togeheter with Riz is the best thing I ever have done... The females at school are very boring, and I lost interest shortly after we started dating... But with Riz nothing is boring... And I'm looking forward to spend my time with him"
Louis nods slowly.
"... And you aren't afraid he will harm you? As devouring you?"
"Nope... If someone should be afraid, it's him"
Louis raises an eyebrow.
"How come?"
"Since I really do enjoy my meal~"
The deer wrinkles the nose.
"Too much information..." he scoffs.
The sheep starts laughing a slightly louder.

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