A curry for two

18 0 11

After an afternoon at the park, we take the subway to the painter's flat, in the old town. His building is surrounded by souvenir shops, crystals sellers and delicacies shops. We arrive in front of an old light brown building, Allen turns to me.

- Phil lives in his basement studio. I'll just...

Allen slowly removes a key from his key ring, slips it into the letter box, without any words or drawing, although he likes doodling. He takes a deep breath, ready to move on, when a voice hails him.

- You're not wasting any time...

We both turn around, facing the painter. He stares at me.

- Haven't we seen each other before? Your face looks familiar.

I put my arm on Allen's shoulder, smiling at the artist. He continues.

- I thought we could have a talk...

Allen puts his hand on mine.

- That time is over as you said on Friday... You've already used me and all my ideas.... That's enough!

This discussion could possibly go on for hours and my time is running out. I pull Allen by the neck. Unbalanced, he can only follow me stumbling.

- Wish you the best with the paintings!, I shout as Allen and I are walking away.

- What was this? Jealousy?, he whispers.

- Just trying to save you some precious time. The night is still young!

Not far, a beebop tune starts. The music comes from one of the flats upstairs. I grab Allen's hand, twirl him around, under the gaze of the astonished passers-by.

- Let's dance!

- I'm hungry sir!, he disagrees.

- I'm a pretty good cook. Let's get the scarf!


Long white corridor. We are finally at the door of my flat. Allen followed me here, I must have made a good impression on him. The door open, I put my bag on the kitchen chair, run to open the living room window to get rid of the day's stale smell. Allen is still standing at the entrance, examining my flat.

- Your coat, Mr. Allen?

- My scarf? It's a gift from Mum.

- I slept with it... You'll have to come to my room to get it yourself.

I take the coat off his shoulders. Allen loudly sighs. He leaves his boots by the door. Under the big black shoes, he is wearing multicoloured socks.

- Was cooking together on your list of activities?

- I like to improvise from time to time!, I reassure him.

Still at the door, I lay my hand on the small of his back, leading him into the flat. He moves away, into the living room while I get us some beers. As soon as I turn around, I hear him ordering.

- A soda please! I know what's on your mind...

With a smirk, I bury my head in the fridge.

- My 15-year-old niece loves this aloe vera drink!, I tease him shaking the coloured can.

- The last one getting drunk is the one who's gonna laugh...

I join him at the window. His eyes seem lost on the surrounding buildings. He takes cigarettes out of his pockets. Seeing this, I grab the pack from his hands.

- The fire was just a bait yesterday. I want to keep you as healthy as possible, near me.

I put the aloe drink in his hands instead.

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