The beginning.

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I'll be taking requests for this story, please let me know what you want me to write for the first couple of chapters. 


On a nice summer day, Scott was sitting in the living room of the mansion, reading a book. Professor X came into the room, he was sitting in a yellow hover wheelchair. 

"Hey Scott, I was thinking that we could all use a vacation." The professor said. 

"That's a good idea, but I'm not sure how we are going to do that, I mean you have medical supplies you need." Scott replied. 

"Right, well I can figure that out, but I need to go and tell the others." Charles said as he went off to tell the others. 

Charles found Logan in his room, he was painting a picture of the X men. 

"Wow that's awesome, Logan." Charles said coming into the room. 

"Thanks, Chuck." Logan thanked.

 "You're welcome, you know, ever since you started painting, you have been really calm, I like that." Charles smiled. 

"Well that's good!" Logan said getting up and walking to the door.

 "Oh Logan, I almost forgot, how would you like to come on a vacation with me and the others?" Charles asked.

 "Sure, why not." Logan said going out the door and downstairs. 

Charles smiled to himself as he watched Logan go. 

Charles saw Rogue out in the hallway. 

"Hey Rogue, I want to ask you a question." Charles said as he caught up with her. 

"Yeah?" Rogue asked as she stopped walking. 

"Would you like to go on vacation with me and the others?" Charles asked. 

"Heck, why not, it will be good for me to get away!" Rogue said. 

"Nice!" The Professor said as he took off in the direction of Jane's room to ask her the same question. 

"Yes I will come with you." Jane had said to the Professor's question.

 "Good, that's all of us, oh and Jane will you please get my catheters ready?" Charles asked, he was a bit embarrassed to ask Jane to help him, normally Logan or Scott would help him.

"But can't Scott or Logan help you?" Jane asked. 

"Logan is in his room painting and Scott is in the living room, reading a book." Charles said. 

"Ok, I'll help you!" Jane said getting the catheters and putting them on a table. 

"Thank you Jane." The Professor said. 

Jane nodded and walked away, leaving the Professor to his thoughts. 

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