The Tale of the Butterfly

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There are days where there is nothing;

Null, void flowers, snapped at stems

And petals weeping colour so delicately,

Where a flower’s beauty cannot remind

of glitter and a moonlit night and the zest

of freedom spilling across the skin.

These are days where the future evades you,

And you are enveloped in an eclipse

That haunts the breath from your lungs and

Stifles the laughter in your throat.

Then you may cry, you may weep

And you may scream into the blackened sky,

And erase the feeling from your heart,

Releasing it into a twilight, so understanding.

But then you must do as the sunflower did,

And you must stare at the sun, and then at the flowers,

And know that brightness is beyond your curtain,

In an embrace of the cloudless blue,


That you have risen from a smothering cocoon,

You have become a beautiful butterfly once before

And you can do so again.

Emerging from a chrysalis, you can fly,

The palette of your wings,

Splattered in paint of affability,

And the dust of the mountains and the spray of the seas,

Tattooed in efflorescent glory upon your back;

                                            Do not forget your wings.

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