7 ... Wilbur

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Why is Wilbur so extremely weird?? I don't get his constant crying and sobbing. hes like a little annoying dog.

"What do you need from me?!" I yelled.

"N-nothing.. I just don't want to be alone... im scared." He cried into my leg.

"Agh- Let go!" I kicked him right in the face. He was on the ground.

He wasn't moving.

Did i knock him out just with that kick?!
Is he dead?

I checked for a pulse or a sign he was alive. "Oh thank god-" He is. I just kicked my brother in the head and knocked him out jesus christ.
Uhm... What if someone comes in?

I'll just put a blanket over him and it'll look like hes sleeping! I walked out of my room, going downstairs to Tubbo. "Hi Tub." I groaned.

"Hey.. I'm sorry about Ranboo." He mumbled.

"Yeah its whatever. Is that really what happened between you and Ranboo though?" I tilt.

He looked over to me suddenly, like an idea had struck his mind. "What did he say?"

"He said that he blocked you because you said you didn't like me the whole time and your parents gave you an excuse." I looked to the side.

"What? What a made up thing to say thats insane." Tubbo put his hand to his head, he looked genuinely surprised.

"That's not what happened." He laughed.

"What..? Then what did?" I sat down on my floor, he told me a lot.

"Ranboo and I were calling and suddenly he asked about you. He asked 'why dont we ever talk bad about Tommy anymore?'. Like he wanted to, right?" He smiled.

I looked to the ground in pure disappointment. Did Ranboo actually talk shit about me and mean it? I was heart broken.

"I then said it's because of his suicide attempt, I felt guilty and bad doing it, which I'm sorry for doing in the first place." Tubbo explained in full detail.

"Yknow what, it's fine." I became impulsive, I blocked Ranboo without a word said.

Wilbur POV

What the fuck?

Where am- I pushed a massive weight blanket off my head, Wh- Where's Tommy?!

I started panicking oh god oh shit wheres Tommy is he okay??!!????

I got up and ran downstairs in a hurry, then saw him and Tubbo on the couch. "Oh thank god-" I whispered to myself. I went and sat next to him. "What's wrong?" He looked heated.

"None of your business, stranger." The emotion he put into the word "stranger" shook me to my core.

"Wh- No.. I'm not a stranger.. I- I'm Wilbur! Your brother I'm not a stranger Tommy please please please." I started breaking down, stepping backwards.

My foot suddenly tripped on a blanket on the floor and slipped backwards, banging my head on the kitchen table.

"FUCK!" I cried, my head hurt so bad. I looked at Tubbo, it looked like something lit up in his head.

"WILBUR!" Tommy screamed and ran to me, picking up my head. "Shit you're light.." He whispered to himself.

He took his hand off my head and looked at it, it was covered in blood. "AHHH" he screamed loudly and jumped backwards. "KARL KARL KARL KARL!" he yelled out.

There was a large ringing in my head, Tom grabbed the blanket I slipped on and put it to the back of my head, blood soaking it quickly.

"Ahh... Nononono" He trembled.

Karl came rushing down and saw me, His eyes went wide and he ran over, "HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED TOMMY?!!" He yelled, "CALL 911?!"

Tommy pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed it. God I'm gonna be in the hospital again...

Minutes went by of blood bleeding from my head while we waited for the ambulance.

I heard sirens and just passed out, I can't take it anymore.

Tommy POV

Please wake up Wilbur... Please please please.
He was just asleep in the hospital bed, A doctor then came in.

"He's in a coma, we don't know how long for." He explained.

this is my fault i literally killed him oh my god

I felt tears stream down my face, I didn't even know him?! Why am I so sad.

Techno and Karl were sobbing into eachothers arms and Tubbo was just sitting there. He had no expression..

I have to call Ranboo but Karl already has that under control.

"Ranboo, H-Hello." He cried into the phone.

"Karl?! What happened.!" Ranboo expressed.

"Wilbur, He .. He hit his head and .. He's in a coma, we don't know how long for-.. Im sorry i had to tell you this way-" He sobbed.

Ranboo didnt reply for a good minute. "I'll be there."

The call ended and I just looked down. I hate Ranboo but it hurts that he didn't ask about me.

Ranboo eventually arrived at the hospital, he completely ignored my presence, especially Tubbo.

"What happened." He shook.

"Okay well- I'm not sure how it happened but he fell, Tommy what happened?" Karl asked.

Ranboo looked at me like a stranger, "Uhm- He.. He slipped backwards on a blanket and, hit his head on the counter.." I looked down.

"I can't be in here anymore." Techno walked out of the room.

Everyone was quiet. Awkward.

"Lets just go home." Karl sighed and dragged me and Tubbo out, Ranboo walked out on his own accord. I watched as he walked over to Wilburs lifeless body, holding his hand.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispered to Wilbur.

I was then pulled out of the hospital, and to the car.

Why did he stay behind?
Why didn't he say anything to me.
Are they okay?
Did he actually talk behind my back?

Why did they stay behind with Wilbur?

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