Testing Ground

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Vince and three other dragons moved me to the testing ground. When we got there, they removed the chains and pushed me off the bed. Rude! I looked around the area. It was big and wide. The celling has multiple crystal lights. I see a big glass where I saw those people watching me. I turn to my right where I see my reflection. I'm wearing a black sport bra and black shorts. I noticed a dragon tattoo on my right hand. I felt that appear when Vince was doing whatever he was doing to me the first time. I see a small scar on top of my right eye. I also noticed something else, a pink fairy mark on my right hand. "What's this?"

"Let's give her something simple at first. A mere survival stimulus" Selene said. "Youko, begin"

A girl with purple hair and catlike eyes replied. "Yes Selene-sama"

"Where am I?! What is this?!" I said. I hear the sounds of growling behind me. I turn around and saw ten monsters coming at me.

"What do I do?! I don't even know if I can fight!!" I shouted.

"You'll be fine! Your dragon slayer instincts will kick in!" Ignia said.

One tried to punch me, but I quickly dodged it easily. Then I punched him pushing him back. As the others were coming, I kicked the creature in the stomach, sending him flying to the others. They all got up and charged at me again. I keep dodging and blocking their attacks. One roared as he tried to scratch me. I dodged it again and elbowed him on the face. Two more came behind me and I kicked them. One by one, they tried to attack me, but I dodged their attacks easily. Then something happened. I opened my mouth to take in air, only for fire to come out of my mouth and burned the monsters!

"H-How?" I whispered as I watched them disappear.

"Impressive" I hear Mercphobia say.

"Indeed" Viernes said.

"Let me out of here!" I yelled.

"Selene. I want one of your minions to fight her. I will also bring mine" Aldoron told them.

"Understood" Selene said.

Some seconds later, a door opened revealing two figures. One was a white haired muscular woman. The second was another wood man, but he was quite different from Aldoron. I don't know why? But I feel the urge to eat him. "He looks delicious. Wait!! What am I thinking?!! Is it because I'm hungry?" I shook my head from that thought.

"Hello Lucy. My name is Mimi" the muscular woman introduced herself.

"I am the god seed Metro. We are here to test your strength and we will not hold back" the wood man said. Before I know it, he summoned twenty five wood giants. How am I supposed to fight this?

He commands them to fight me. I punched one on the stomach and broke it. Another came from behind and I somersault to dodge it. Mimi tries to punch me, but I managed to dodge her attacks. I kicked her, but it had no effect on her. I punched her again and again, nothing. Two wood giants attack me again, I dodged them again.

"Mimi Immovable sword!" She chanted as she swipes her hands. I bent down immediately and the wood giants were sliced in half.

"Ekk!" I screeched. "The wood guys!! What kind of magic is this?!!"

"These are spiritual arts. The power of tampering one's mind through discipline" Mimi explained.

"Never heard of it, but it's powerful" I thought as I got up. I noticed Metro was summoning more of those guys. My stomach growls painfully as if I'm being stabbed multiple times. "I need to eat something. It's getting worse" it was hard to fight these guys while I'm very hungry. I began feeling dizzy. The giant punched me followed by another one kicking my head. Metro is just standing there summoning more. He doesn't look that strong.

"Mimi immovable fist!" She punched me hard sending me flying to the wall. I was very hungry and frustrated at this. I growl angrily as I felt strong magic within me. "I need to eat!!"

"I can't take it anymore!! I need to eat!!" I yelled. Mimi and Metro look at me confused. I ran towards one of the giants and grabbed it by the leg and slammed it on the ground. I felt my fangs grow and began eating it earning gasps from my opponents. It taste good, really good!! So delicious. Like a mama's cooking. I stood up and cleaned my mouth, feeling energetic now.

"I'm fired up!" I got in fighting stance and then realized what I just said. "Why did say I that? I think I've heard it before" I decided to brush it off and focus on the task ahead.

I ran towards them as they were coming to me. I kicked Mimi with my foot and struck the other one with the back of my left hand. She stumbles back looking surprised. One giant tries to grab me, but I dodged it. I grab its hand and threw it at the others causing them to hit the nearby wall. Another one tries to slash me with his claws, but I jumped over to dodge the attack and held its head and slammed it to the ground. I jumped and hit another with my head. Then I fell to the ground as I kicked Mimi who tried to kick me from behind.

I decided to use that fire attack again. I took a deep breath, feeling magic within me and screamed at the top of my lungs trying get the fire out of my mouth and it worked. But it wasn't fire that came out, I breathed out a tornado of multiple gold shards aiming for them. They all cry in pain as they got hit by the attack. "How did I do that?" As the smoke dispersed,  I saw Mimi and Metro unconscious. My mouth was drooling right now. That giant wasn't enough to satisfy my raging hunger. As I slowly walk towards Metro who looks delicious right now, two claps broke the silence. I looked up and the five dragon gods.

"Well done Lucy. I'm highly impressed with your skills" Mercphobia praised me.

"What's going on? What are you guys doing to me?" I asked, still drooling.

"All your questions will be answered" Ignia said. "But, the food's ready, join us. I can see how hungry you are"

My head jerks up as he said food. I nodded in approval. We left the testing ground while some dragons attend to Mimi and Metro. After some time, we entered a large dining room. The table was big with ten chairs and the food on the table, it looks and smells so good. I saw large fishes, meat, all different kinds waiting to be eaten. I would have rushed there to the table, but I didn't want to disrespect the dragon gods, so I let them sit first before me.

When I sat down, I began eating like a wild animal. I ended up scarfing down most of the food on the table. After drinking water to wash down the food, I look around seeing everyone looking at me.

"I know you were hungry, but I didn't think you would eat almost all the food here" Ignia joked.

I blushed in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry. I was so hungry and couldn't control myself"

"Don't worry, we have plenty to go around" Viernes said.

After we were done eating, Mercphobia told a woman to escort me to my new room. I can smell she's human. Ignia also told me he'll explain everything tomorrow and I need to rest. I finally reached the room after walking for about ten minutes. The woman opened the door. I looked around as I entered. It was big and nice. There was a balcony on the right and bathroom on the left. There was a chair, a small table, a small book self, a wardrobe and a big bed.

"There is a set of clothing in the wardrobe. The bathroom is over there, you could use the shower. You should get some rest, tomorrow is a big day for you Lucy" she said.

"Who are you? How come you smell like human?" I asked.

"My name is Karameel and I am human" she said. I nodded and she closed the door and left. I took a bath, wore a red pyjamas before slipping into bed. The bed was so soft and comfortable. While on the bed, I just think some certain things. What happened to me? I don't even remember what day it is, much less why I woke up here. I felt as if a part of me was missing. I looked at the fairy mark on my hand. "I'm guessing I must be part of a guild" maybe I can find this guild. Maybe they can help me. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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