Chapter 11

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     The next day no one talked to me as you might expect. A few kinder people said a few words here and there. Word of what happened spread really quickly. I'm not sure how, much even by the first class, everyone seemed to know. I felt like I wasn't even there, among the whispering people looking at me and whispering. A sinking feeling in my gut took over, and I felt like I would throw up.

     "They'll find her." Zach assured me in science, and I almost smiled. He set his hand on the side of my arm, and I felt butterflies dance a little in my stomach. He gave a small smile, and then turned away to pack up his bag for his next class.
     "She's probably fine!" Mitchell said in math. "Who'd harm a little girl?" I looked at him, stopping my class work to frown up at him. He had sympathy in his eyes, but it wasn't quite understanding. His ocean blue eyes looked into mine, full of brief concern.

    "I don't know." I said. "but thanks."
It was like that all day. Listening to the whispers about me, the popular girls-the mean ones anyway-were all full of gossip about false things I did. One told how I payed money for someone to steal her. Another said I forced her run away. A bunch of crap, but some really dense people might have believed it. But who cares what they think right?

I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for American studies to end when a phone buzzed. Everyone was sitting in the seat sideways, a foot placed ready to jump up. They tapped their feet and counted down. Ms. Parrie was completely oblivious to everything around her. She stood in the corner smearing on peach colored lipstick where she thought we couldn't see her. She did that every fifteenth minutes.
"3...2...1..." They counted down and the bell rang right on time. Everyone jumps up and clears out. I'm on my way out when my phone buzzes. I leave the room hoping no one heard a quick batman theme song play. Guess I forgot to put it on silent again. I duck into the nearest bathroom and set my stuff down on he edge of a sink. Looking at my phone I read the text from Chase.

"Found a clue. lunch sit with me"
"Ok...?" I text back and head to Latin.

I set my tray down on the table with a small clatter.
     "What clue?" I ask as I slide into my seat across from Chase. He's fingering a pink ribbon, tiny handwriting scribbled down the one side, not touching his mac and cheese. Actually, I wouldn't want to eat it either. The school's mac and cheese is like the lottery. All of them are under-cooked except the four in the middle. And you just have to pray that you're feeling lucky and might get the four perfect ones. Cause it tastes amazing when you get it. 

     "Listen to this.
If you were clever maybe you'd find her.
But you have to look beneath this diner." I frown and stab at my waffles, annoyed. They're also cold, which doesn't help whatsoever. 
"One. What the heck does that mean? And two. That's a forced rhyme." I complain, pointing my fork, adorned with a small bit of frozen waffle, at Chase. He nods.
"Defiantly not very smart but look at this handwriting! Tell me you've seen it before, and I'm not just going crazy." Looking at it, I realize I have seen it before. I can't remember when, but I know I've seen it.
"This is bull-"
"Steph!" Chase snaps. He's glaring behind me. I turn. Well, well, if it isn't the joker herself.
"Violet?" I ask.

     "Loser." She sneers. "Heard you lost your sister. Shame. She was always prettier than you. She went to school with my sister."
"Excuse me?" I say. Plus, what's up with this "went". She's not dead. A gap seemed to crack open in my stomach. At least, I hoped she wasn't dead.
"Look, do you know anything or not?" Chase demands. Joker? Knowing something? Not about her. Please. that information doesn't exist in her mind. She could tell you about the hottest guys in the school, and what it's like to have multiple boyfriends, and complain that her parents got her the iPhone 6s instead of the iPhone 6s plus, oooh rip her. 

     "Do I know anything?" She says slowly. "Do I know... Anything? Good question. I wish I could answer that for you hun, but I can't tell you. Sworn to secrecy. You know?" With that she turns, flips her hair and struts like a limping peacock (because of her super tall heels) away from us.
"Do you think she does know anything?" I ask.

"Absolutely not. She's just trying to spike you." Chase reasons. I ate my waffles angrily, and neither of us talked the rest of that lunch.

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