Chapter 6 - Relief & Realization

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When Kyung got there Eve was waiting outside. She didn't want him to have to come face to face with Ale since she was more than a little peeved he was unavailable and uninterested.

He flashed his lights and she ran over to him since it was starting to sprinkle. Kyung messed with her by locking the door every time she grabbed for it but with one evil death glare he let her in finally. He was laughing hysterically when she sat down just a little more damp than a person would like to be. The fact that she was a girl should have made him feel sympathy for her being out in the rain but his complete lack there of must mean that she was one of the boys now or so she thought.

Kyung gave her a cocky smile when he calmed down.

"So what's up? You wanna copy of our music? You know Zico's gonna give you one once it's done." He said noticing she wasn't looking at him.

"Oh come on Eevee! What do i gotta do? go get you a lightening stone? I choose you! Lighten up!" He said shaking her shoulder. She didn't know how to start out. Maybe with the picture. Maybe she should have thought this out a bit more.

"Ok well if you're not gonna talk I guess I'll talk for both of us while we go and get a coke. How does that sound Eevee?" Kyung asked then made his voice really high pitched as he said, "Oh sure Kyungie! That sounds amazing!" Then back to his regular voice. "Thank you I thought so too. You're so smart. Thank you I think I'm fantastic. You Are! You Are Fantastic."

"You're always so chipper." Eve said making him stop his weird conversation.

"Yeah well when you're this awesome..." Kyung chuckled.

"I don't see how someone like you could be with Melody." She said coldly and his face faltered a bit.

"She just takes some getting used to." He brushed it off in a good nature sort of way.

"How did you meet?" She asked as though she were interrogating him.

"At a concert. Me and Zico were being idiots in the mosh pit and I got thrown straight into a friend of ours, Harley, who threw me back into the mosh. Melody punched Harley for that and the two nearly started scrapping after Melody saw if I was ok." Kyung said with a smirk at the thought.

"Were you?" Eve asked only slightly concerned.

"I just got stepped on and kicked a bit. No big deal." He shrugged.

"Then what happened." Her interrogation continued.

"She checked on me at school the next day and it just kinda started from there. Say hi in the halls, have lunch every now and again. Then one day I asked her out and we've been together ever since." Kyung answered as they pulled into a drive thru diner.

"She's weird." Eve said accusingly.

"She's funny." Kyung defended.

"She's not good for you."

"Who says I'm good for her?" Kyung asked losing his chipper attitude but not his smile. Was Eve jealous of him and Melody?

"Why would you say that?" Eve asked and had a look in her eye that seemed to confirm Kyung's thoughts.

"Because I'm not perfect." Kyung said touching her hand in a comforting way as if saying this would break her heart.

"Would you cheat on her?" Eve asked and Kyung started to feel bad. How long had Eve liked him? He wondered.

"No. I'm not saying I haven't come close. Or even wanted to but I haven't." He said squeezing her hand.

"So do you love her then?" Eve asked taking her hand back and digging for her phone.

"I guess so."

"What if she cheated on you?"

"Then I'd leave her ass. What's gotten into you." He asked making to stroke her damp hair when she showed him the picture. He froze for a moment then took the phone from her slowly.

"When did you..."

"Today. Before me and Jiho went to hang out with everyone. We were at the pizza place down the block and there she was. I took the shot then we high tailed it out of there." Eve said and Kyung was lost in the picture. For a long time neither of them said anything. As hurt as Kyung was at seeing the picture of his now psycho EX girlfriend he couldn't help but wonder about Eve. Did she like him? Was he the reason she fought so hard not to be with Jiho? Was she showing him this so he'd leave Melody for her? No. Jiho announced them as a couple earlier today and despite how things appeared here and now in his truck he knew she liked Jiho back.

"I'm gonna send this to myself ok?" Kyung said and Eve nodded. When his phone beeped with confirmation that he'd received the photo he opened his phone and sent it to Melody with two words.

*we're through

Kyung took a deep breath and stared at his knees for a while. Eve put her head on his shoulder and pouted. She knew he really loved Melody but she also knew that Melody was undeserving. Kyung put an arm around Eve and leaned onto her.

"Thanks." Kyung said at some length. Eve looked up at him and he interpreted the look in her eyes as an asking one. "For telling me" he added with a chuckle.

"She doesn't deserve you Kyung." Eve said.

"I see that now. I bend over backwards for that girl." He said looking at his phone that was vibrating. He ignored the call then sent a mass text to his friends.

*dont answer the phone. I just broke up with Mel.

Then shut off his phone. Eve's phone beeped.

"You texted me too?" She asked with a dry chuckle.

"I sent it out to all my best friends." He shrugged. "I guess I wasn't really thinking." He laughed and looked down at her. She was looking at him with a deep concern. He was handling this too well.

"To be honest...its kind of a relief. I'm always worrying about her cause according to her she's always sick. I kinda think she's just been using that as an excuse. I know that Dj guy. He's Harley's ex. She caught him cheating on her after they'd been official for like a month. They stayed friends though."

"Are you gonna stay friends with Melody?" She asked with an accusing tone.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"You shouldn't. I can't stand her. Her little cute act?" Eve rolled her eyes. "She'll only use that to get you back."

"Oh I'm not going back." Kyung said taking their picture off the sun visor of the car. He balled it up and threw it out the window.

"Thirsty?" He asked with his usual smile although there was a hint of a shadow behind it.

"I want a sweet Tea." She said with a little smile of her own.

They were together for nearly an hour when Kyung decided he needed to get home before his Mom starts to wonder where he went.

"I'll text you tomorrow." He said as she was getting out of the vehicle.

"Sounds good." She smiled. He looked down and saw her phone in the cup holder.

"Eve!" He said and she looked. He was holding her phone. She leaned back into the car to take it from him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He kissed her. It was brief and no more than a soft wet smooch. In her shock she hadn't shut her eyes but saw that he had shut his. She pulled away clutching her phone to her chest. He was wearing his usual smile now.

"I'm sorry I had to. Since I'm a free man now and all." He chuckled at how her face was full of worry now. "Don't worry Eevee it won't happen again. It was more of a thank you. You know, for saving me." He smirked but it turned into his big toothy smile as leaned over to close the passenger door then drove off. She actually jumped back when he made to grab the door and this made him howl with laughter. She could hear him even over the rain that was pouring down now.

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