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       "Barry? Barry, can you hear me!" Caitlin's frantic voice crackled over the heavily damaged bluetooth device implanted in Barry Allen's ear. Coughing, he staggered to his feet, shielding his eyes against the dust and ash permeating the air surrounding him. "BARRY!"

        "I'm fine, Caitlin, what the hell happened?"

      "The Trickster, Barry, he's got Iris. After you passed out from running, he took Iris and blew the bomb. We thought you were dead!" Barry's heart clenched, spotting a shadowy heap across the room from him, just noticing the overly familiar scent of iron--blood. Whoever was over there was either dying or dead, and he had an overwhelming urge to turn away and run. Fast. "Barry, you have to get out of there, the building's going to collapse any second now, and as fast as you are, I don't think you're fast enough to beat gravity."

        "Not yet, Caitlin, there's someone else here, and they're hurt. Badly. I'm gonna go check it out."

      "Be careful." The line went dead, but he could still hear the faint hum that indicated the channel was still open, and the team at S.T.A.R Labs could still hear him. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, and crept over the wreckage of the warehouse, the sense of dread getting stronger and stronger. He drew nearer to the figure sprawled on the ground, and could just make out long dark hair, and a woman's designer boot in the flickering light provided by lingering flames. He knew that shoe, and the face, and his stomach lurched.


       "Barry?" It was Cisco, but he didn't care. Nothing mattered. Not anymore. He had to get out, had to escape the horrific sight before his eyes, but he couldn't escape it, he still saw it branded against the backs of his eyelids, a waking nightmare, he couldn't do it, he couldn't leave her here, but he had to, didn't want to, pain! Horrifying, agonizing pain that brought him to his knees beside her, her body burnt and broken, eyes wide and her lips open in a silent scream of terror.

        "Barry? Barry, answer me, please! What's happening?"

        "Gone." His voice broke on the word, hoarse from smoke and grief.

        "Who's gone?" It was Joe, and his heart broke further, hating that he would have to be the one to tell him. "Barry, who's gone?" Joe's voice was panicked, fear creeping into his normally calm tone.

        "Joe, I'm so sorry Joe. I tried, I tried, but I-I wasn't. . .fast enough. I couldn't save her. I'm so sorry." Tears slid down his cheeks, and he began to rock, whimpers escaping from his clenched teeth as blackness took him at last.


        "Oh, Barry." Caitlin's soft, broken whisper invaded the numbness he felt. He felt her stroking his hair, and turned into her hug, her soft, small arms helping to beat back the anguish and pain coarsing through him.

        "Barry." It was Joe again, and he sounded tired. Barry opened his eyes, and saw his surrogate father, eyes haunted, but gleaming with determination. "Barry, you need to leave Central City. Not because I blame you for what happened, God knows you tried, but because you need to escape. The Flash needs to move. Central City is fine for now, and your friend the Arrow will watch over us until you choose," he glanced at him,"or choose not to return to us."

        "Where?" Barry croaked.

        "Tampa. It's a big city, and once the press dies down over your big reveal, courtesy of the Trickster, you should be able to disappear." Joe reached into his briefcase and pulled out a manila folder, handing it to him. "Took the liberty of getting you a position as a criminology professor at the local community college, as well as a guide, a young woman who was born near here, but knows the city." Joe grinned, but turned solemn once more. "You'll be fine. Nobody knows that the Flash was in the warehouse, but they all know who killed her, but not who she is. That's your secret to tell. When you're ready. You wanna do this?" Barry looked around the medi-bay, and saw Cisco and Dr. Wells hovering outside the glass, watching him, and Caitlin, fresh tear tracks glittering on her cheeks, and looked back at Joe, smiling a little bit.

        "I've always wanted to be a teacher. When do I start?"

        "As soon as you can." Joe clapped a hand on his back and stood, revealing a suitcase full of his things. "The rest of your stuff has already been packed and will be shipped out tonight, should be there when you get there tomorrow." A tear escaped Joe's eye, and he sighed. "I'm going to miss you, kid."

        "I'm gonna miss you too. But let's go."


<sniffle> Does anybody have a tissue? Please remember to vote, rate, and comment! Thanks lovlies!



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