Time To Talk

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Outfit ^^

We were in the conference room. By "we" I mean me, Gibbs and Bishop. Torres and McGee had gone off somewhere but I don't know where. I didn't know why they were all so freaked cause they didn't tell me but I had to let it go otherwise it would drive me crazy.

"Maraya, can you tell us how your parents died?" Bishop smiled.

I nodded. "I was upstairs in my room. I wanted to get a lolly so I was about to go down the stairs when I heard yelling. They were saying how they wanted to know where I was. My parents lied and said I was at the park, that's when I heard these two loud bangs. I waited until they all left to go downstairs. That's when I saw them in the living room, there was blood everywhere, they were just laying there, not moving. I don't have any other family." Tears started building in my eyes again. "I couldn't move, I just fell to my knees and started crying. That's when this lady came in. She told me to find Nick Torres from NCIS and that he would help me... More and more goonies-" Gibbs cut me off.

"Goonies?" He asked.

"They're the bad people after me. It's what I call them. Anyways one of them told me they needed me because of Nick Torres. Now I don't know who this guy is but I know he's bad news. I don't think it's your friend Torres though, that's gotta just be coincidence." I explained.

"Rule thirty nine." Bishop said to Gibbs who nodded.

"Is there anything else you wanna tell us, Maraya?" Gibbs asked.

"Yea... You can just call me Mara." I smiled and they smiled back.

"Wait here, Mara. I'll send Abby up to keep you company." Bishop told me before they left.

After a minute I got bored so I left the room. After a bit of wondering I came to a cafeteria but it wasn't the food that interested me, it was the people in it and their conversation. "McGee, I can't have a kid. I can barely take care of myself."

"Then what are you going to do, Nick? You met her I don't think she'll stay in the foster system, she'll run first chance she gets." McGee replied and my jaw dropped and the realisation.

"She gotta have some family from the people that adopted her." Nick sighed. "Maybe I'll send her to my sister's."

"You sure about that?" McGee asked.

"Don't get me wrong, McGee. She's a sweet girl, I would love to take her in, raise her and be a father but I don't know if I'm ready for that. Especially someone so energetic." Torres continued... Nick Torres.

"Well, Nick. I think your making a big mistake." McGee told him before walking off but I didn't realise in my direction. When McGee spotted me he froze in his tracks.

I walked around him a bit so I could see Torres who looked at me stunned with... I think tears in his eyes. "You don't want me?"

"Maraya, that's not-" I cut him off.

"No, it's fine. I'm not even surprised to be honest. You associate yourself with bad people who have been trying to kill me for the past four months. They killed my parents! My parents are dead! You are not my father, never have been and never will be! I swear, as soon as all of the goonies have been arrested you will never see me again. I won't be your problem, don't worry." I ranted with tears streaming down my face before I barged past McGee and Abby who had come out of nowhere. I just started running through the building.

Maraya TorresWhere stories live. Discover now