~Special Chapter~

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So, as a thank you, I've written a special for all of my AWESOME readers.
This One-Shot is highly Yandere.
I felt bad that Lelouch wasn't quite as Yandere as people were expecting so I made this one-shot for my readers. Hope you enjoy it!
Like my story, it does not follow the storyline of Code Geass.
BTW It's a song fanfic

Thank you!


Song: Cantarella- VOCALOID

Lelouch Lamperouge- Code Geass

[Staring back at you, Staring back at me, 
Locked inside our own closed off world. 
Acting oblivious, but yet be both pretend, our intoxication will be sensed.]

I had never anticipated I'd fall in love with her.
It just happened.
We are practically like brother and sister.
At least we were. Before my mother died.
Now, She's betrothed to another.
It sickens me, every day as I watch from afar.
But now is my chance....
I make my way to her, her long (H/C) hair swinging as she tapped her feet to the music, eager to dance, no matter the partner.
I tapped her on the should quickly ,offering my hand as soon as she turned.
Her face was one of puzzlement, wariness, and joy as she stared into my eyes  with her large tempting (E/C) eyes.
"Shall I have this dance Lady (Y/N)?"
A hint of a smile danced across her face as she glanced sideways for her Fiance before taking my hand.
Her hand was small and delicate in my hand, like china that one ought not to brake.
As I swung her around to the music, a laugh uttered from her throat as she smiled.
It seemed as though we had drifted off... Into our own little world.
As the music died down and the partners parted, she held her head high and looked around the room, as though she was denying her happiness from moments earlier.

[As time passes by,
I felt my heart,
Must keep hidden,
So I may approach you.
I heave a sigh
Because around you,
I feel far from myself.]

I looked down at her, not being able to resist examining her face.
(Y/N) looked back at me, her keen eyes seeing through my disguise.
She makes me feel different, not myself.
She calls out someone different....
Her eyes suddenly drifted upwards, behind me, a look of worry crossing her features.
The man, who only could be recognized as her betrothed stood next to me, tall and hautgy.
He quickly went to her side, like ink oozing out from a pen.
"Who may I ask, are you?"

I'll have to tred carefully.
With a sweeping bow, I lowered my gaze to the floor.
"I am none other than a gentleman, who had sought out the company of this young lady for a mere dance."
I stood quickly, not wanting to bow longer than was necessary and turned, walking to the edge of the room to whence I came.
"It was a pleasure dancing with you, My Lady."

It sickened me as I saw him wrap a familiar arm round her waist and draw her away from me.

[In an ordinary, feeling of love, my heart pounds.
And I,
Will set up my trap for you
Even though I'm eagerly after you.
I won't,
Leave footprints behind.]

I just need to get her alone..
Need to get rid of her Fiance....
Just how to do it..

I wondered thus as I stood, like a shadow near the balcony, where her and her lover stood, gazing up into the endless starry sky.
"You weren't too upset about me dancing with someone else were you?" Teased (Y/N), a twinkle in her eye as she looked up into his face, smiling.
It was not right, it was not right that he should make her smile so.

I'll have to dispose of him... soon.

"I didn't mind too much." He said, kissing her cheek.
The nerve, the absolute nerve!

-----5 Hours Later-----

The person, whom she called her Fiance, stood in the garden, picking roses for (Y/N).
He leaned over many a bush, collecting them, ignoring if his hands got bloody from the thorns.

Yet I stood near, my sword drawn.
I will dispose of him tonight.
And he will never breathe again.

And with that, I plunged my sword into him.

-----2 Hours Later----

"Lelouch! Lelouch!" Cried (Y/n), knocking hard on my door.
We lived in the same mansion, ye she hasn't come to me for years.

"What is it?" I asked calmly, knowing exactly what she was so distressed about as I opened my door.
Her eyes were tear stained, holding one bloody white rose.
"My Fiance, he's been... been... found d-dead!" She shrieked the last words, falling forwards into my chest, starting to whail and cry.
I could care less as she dampened my cloths. 
All I cared about was the fact she had come to me.
I led her over to a small set of chairs and a table near my window, shushing her and petting her soft hair.
I gently helped her sit down, handing her my handkerchief.
"Shh dear, here, drink this, you'll feel better, oh, It's alright, I'm here." I cooed into her ear as I set a glass, filled with red liquid on the table in front of her.

[Things are not this clear,
My words are all sincere,
And you begin to let your guard down.
It's something you should know
Of such a dangerous liquid.
I expect you drink every last drop.]

Her eyes were still leaking, her mouth still mumbling, her head still distressed as she lifted to cup to her lips.
In her despair, she should have been more careful, yet, she was so upset, and so comforted by my soothing words and the fact she had someone to cry to, that (y/n) drank it all in one gulp.
The second she set it down, was the second she stopped crying, stopped lamenting that man, and slumped sideways into me.

To anyone else, it would appear as though her heart had stopped.
Her face went white, her chest stopped heaving, and her arms were all but moving.
I kissed her cheek softly, smirking....

"You should have been more careful."

[Rusting from  time, the chains fall apart.
You run away.
With no place to go....
The more you try to fight....]

I laid her on the bed slowly, taking in her pretty appearance.
She was mine now, no one could have her.

No one would find her here.
No one would know what happened to (Y/N) (L/N)

I hovered over her, the end of the four hours coming quickly.

In mere seconds, her eyes opened slowly, her vision, must be hazy.
"L-Lelouch? Why?" she questioned, motioning to get up, however, something stopped her from it.
I was it.

I smirked down at her, lifting her hand up and kissing it.
"Lelouch! Get off me!" She squeaked, flailing, her eyes wide with sudden fear.
"Shh dearest.... It's alright, I won't harm you." I chuckled, kissing down her arm.
"Stop it!"

[Let me just say that inside of you, I see myself, hiding in your memories.
To be linked with the scent of your fear.
Makes me feel quite unsure of my choices.]

However, her being upset, awakened the person deeply hidden inside...
I recalled the memories of the summers together, her wide (E/C) eyes always on me...
Now, there were anywhere but me as she looked around the room, desperate  to escape.

"(Y/n)" I said.
My tone making her look up at me.
I lowered my head to her should suddenly.

-Your POV-

I felt water fall on my face as I suddenly heard a sob.
Lelouch started shaking as he pet my hair, more tears falling on me.

It saddened me, hearing him cry so hard and bitterly.
I reached up slowly and cupped his cheek.
"Lelouch, It's alright." I whispered.

[In an ordinary feeling of love.
My heart pounds, and I will set my trap for you, even though I'm eagerly after you.
I hear, "Make me yours."
Let me just say that inside of you, I see myself, hiding in your memories.
To be linked with the scene of your smile
Makes me feel so very in love with you.....]

"Lelouch, I'll always be yours." She whispered, closing her eyes.
In that moment, I decided.

I leaned down and connect my lips to hers.

-Your POV-

I opened my eyes in surprise as I felt him kiss me softly and passionately.
He hugged me close to him, as though my lips were his life line.
Lelouch broke the kiss, nuzzling my neck.

And spoke three small words...

"I love you."


Authors note: Well! Hope you liked it!

Also, Cantarella is a poison, and It may have been the one that was given to Juliet in the play Romeo and Juliet.

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