part-6 ( virats love)

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sai pov
samrat dada said he will wind up his work and will come with us in 2 days
so we decided to check out this city
i was really excited to show some places
but virat sir was looking very lost
Sai: last time when i was here
i had coffee in this shop
it was really good
let's go virat sir
virat: i don't want the coffee here
let's go somewhere
sai: why ?
are you in debt with that coffee shop guy
why should we run away
virat : i'm not in debt
it's just i don't want to come here again
sai: the service was not good?
i knew it
he sometimes takes it forever to get coffee
let's go somewhere else
sai pov
i was holding his hand
and walking around the streets
i don't know why but i felt warmness in my heart
this is love right?
virat: why are you watching me like that
sai: how can you be so strict for one minute
and such a warm guy the next minute
sai pov
he just smiled again
it must be that he also feels something for me
virat pov
the streets were just the same
it reminded me my college days
when i was with my first love
she used to love this place
and going around with sai
was giving me the same feeling
should i really move forward and love again
virat: what are you looking at
sai: i really like that dress
virat: then let's take it
sai: are you sure
i will want some chain
and earrings too
virat : anything
sai : looks like someone is in a good mood
i actually like this shop
virat: sai don't push it
take whats necessary ..
virat pov
before i could complete the sentence
sai finished it
sai: only if i will use it for a long time
i should buy
virat: you know me well
sai: i really love you virat sir
virat: i know sai
did you take everything
sai: yes
virat : i will take you to a special place
let's go
sai : where is it now
virat : just come with me
which roses do you like
sai: roses?
what's happening virat sir
why are you buying me flowers
don't tell me you are in a good mood today
virat : sai for once stop talking
and tell me which flowers do you like
sai: red
virat: here you go
sai pov
these were the first flowers i received from virat
i didn't imagine that something would happen like this
i was so happy
pakhi pov
i was getting restless
what if they really bring back samrat
what will i do then?
and why is this virat so involved with sai
did he really start to love her?
then what about the promise he had done to me
he broke up with me saying i'm not like my dead twin
and that he will only love her
why did he change so suddenly
did sai do something
as i was getting tangled in my thoughts
i saw kaku in the kitchen
i should do something
if my dreams can't come true
then i will not let sai's any dream come true
pakhi: i'm sorry for over reacting kaku
i just thought virat and sai are going too fast in their relationship
though sai is keeping a lot of things for him
kaku : what do you mean
pakhi: sai is planning to continue her studies
kaku: so it's better right
pakhi: i'm just telling how devyani changed
i don't want our house also to change
like pulkit jeeju living away from his family for devyani
do you also want to happen to this house
virat leaving us and staying near said college
and sai just turning out like devyani
and back answering you
kaku : that would never happen
and also how do you know that sai is going to college
pakhi: we received this letter from college
asking sai to join soon
kaku pov
i was angry
there is no way i want another devyani in this house
sai has to give up her dream
kaku: this will not happen
sai will stay at home
sai pov
i was enjoying the bon fire
and when people started dancing
i saw virat sir drinking beer and looking at others
but the next second i didn't find him anywhere
virat: will you dance with me ?
sai: i don't know much
i usually do freestyle
virat: follow my lead
sai pov
when he put his hands around my waist
i really felt something
he was spinning me around
i don't know what happened to him
but i really liked this
my white dress and his blue shirt
were just in perfect harmony
as we were done dancing
everyone were just clapping at us
and i was feeling shy
so i just hid my head in virat sirs shirt
virat pov
i carried her into our hotel room
i don't know why
i'm being pulled to her
today sai looked just like her
so i treated sai the same way
even though pakhi is the twin
i never felt her as connected as sai
sai tries everything to make me happy
sai : virat sir the door
sai pov
he just banged it shut
and threw me in the bed
i was just nervous
sai : virat sir
we don't have wine
virat : it's not needed
i'm here
let me give you my beer taste
*************mature content ahead************
please skip if you are uncomfortable *********+
sai pov
this was different
unlike the previous night
virat sir was kissing me passionately
i could clearly get the beer taste from his mouth
and was marking me all over
and i just kissed him back
he helped me with my dress
and i unbuttoned his shirt
tearing a few buttons in between
sai: virat sir.. i
virat pov
i didn't allow her to speak
the need to be with her
was increasing
i penetrated her again
wiping her tears with kisses
sai pov
the pain didn't bother me anymore
seeing him kissing me with passion was enough for me
i'm ready to have our kids virat sir
********************end of the mature part******
virat pov
seeing sai sleep peacefully in my arms
made me feel good
i have decided to finally let go of my first love shreya
author pov
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