35. Guardians of the Revival Book

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early chapter so that the execution can be published on the 16th hehe


   Sara questions bitterly, gripping a diary from one of the vessels of the Nether goddess — Ohana.

   The Trix have been reading diaries for the past several weeks, going from older diaries to the newer ones, learning both about themselves and about the Revival Book.

   Apparently, the Trix are minor goddesses created by Death herself, meant to protect the book. DreamXD is the last line of defense, though he is a god with his own purpose — unknown to the Trix. None of the vessels the current Trix have read about in their diaries have met the god personally.

   "Huh, did you know that Ionia has the ability to turn regular apples into golden apples with a mere touch?" Nia questions, getting through a chapter about this vessel finding out that she can turn apples from normal to golden.

   "How could we?" Stela replies with an answer, turning a page of the diary she's reading.

   Nia shrugs. "I dunno. You could've read about it in the other diaries."

   "Nope. Most of them talk about their own powers and how they're supposed to be the guardians of the Revival Book." Sara shakes her head, biting the inside of her cheek. She does not bother looking up from her diary.

   "They keep saying how they all appeared near the Trix base," Stela notes with a huff. "This one — from a woman named Callina — says that she and her fellow sisters all appeared near this mountain and found the entrance to the stronghold almost instantly."

   "Yeah, Azar here says the same thing," Sara concurs, having turned the diary to its very first pages.

   Nia does what Sara did, her eyes darting over the beginning of the diary. "Okay, Hadea says the same thing. They've all been together when they appeared in the Overworld."

   "Then what the hell happened to us?" Sara asks with an arched brow. "I appeared in the middle of the freaking Dream SMP!"

   "That is a great fucking question." Stela throws her arms in the air. "I didn't even appear in the Dream SMP. Just near it."

   "I appeared in the Dream SMP as well," Nia adds, shrugging.

   "What does it mean?" asks Sara.

   Stela hums, narrowing her eyes at all the diaries. She puts back the one she just read, taking out one that is dated as the latest one of them all. "What if," she starts, "and this is a huge what if . . . what if the book is somewhere at the Dream SMP?"

   "Even if that was the case, who would've had it?" Sara raises an eyebrow at Stela.

   "Schlatt," says Nia instantaneously, not even giving it much thought. To her, it simply makes sense that Schlatt would have the Book of Revival. After all, what would've been an item so powerful that it would make Dream go from despising Schlatt to being willing to fight for him? Nia couldn't think of many things. Of course, it's still merely a theory.

   But if the book does what it has in its name, then it surely is a powerful item to be in possession of, especially at the grounds of the Dream SMP. What would it mean for most of the ex-L'Manburgians if they could possibly get Wilbur back because of the Revival Book? Surely, a lot.

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