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Plates and utensils flew off the kitchen counter as Y/N thrashed around. She upturned the chairs, knocked the spices off the shelves, and threw a vase at the wall.

Sounds of ceramic shattering and glass breaking filled the entire apartment. 2 AM air wafted through the open window, sending shivers down her spine as she collapsed on her knees. The shards of the mess she made penetrated through her pajamas, causing her to wince. Nonetheless, she held her stance as if it was nothing.

Right around the corner, Beomgyu stood still. He was petrified, yes. He didn't know how to deal with her breakdown as she had never showcased such behavior before. His hands turned ice-cold, trembling.

"Y/N.." He cautiously approached her.

The girl acted as if she didn't hear him. She pounded her fists to the sides of her head in frustration. All the pent-up anger flowed uncontrollably as Y/N silently murmured, tears dripping to the floor.

Beomgyu, though anxious, scooted to her side and pulled her frame into the comfort of his arms. There, she wailed louder. Y/N clutched on the fabric of his shirt. Her salty face slightly drenched his apparel but Beomgyu didn't mind at all.

What bothered him was the way she acted and the reason behind it.

"There, there." He cooed. "Darling, it's okay. It's not your fault."

She didn't say anything. She let the sound of her misery speak to him instead. Beomgyu lifted her from the scene and placed her on top of the dining table. Y/N heavily sniffled, her breath hitching as she coughed. Her man cupped her cheeks before planting a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"I love you." He muttered. "Please, don't do this to yourself. It hurts me seeing you this way."

"I'm tired of fucking up." Y/N trembled. "Everything doesn't make sense to me and I'm sick of it."

Beomgyu rested his chin on her shoulder. He knows how much she had been through and how long she had endured. He understands the same guilt, pressure, and pain stabbing her over and over. Beomgyu held her closer. Y/N hiccuped, eyes closing to cease the tears.

"This is so unfair." He hummed. "How can you not forget about these thoughts instead?"

"I don't deserve this, Beomgyu."

"No one does." He stroked her hair. "But I'm here to guide you through, okay? I'll never let go of your hand."

Y/N hesitated. "But I'm scared. I don't want to f-"

"No, no." He shushed her up. "You're not going down the same path again; not when I'm with you."

His lover nodded. Beomgyu placed one last kiss on her nose before rolling up her pajamas to see her wounds. Y/N pursed her lips in regret. As her boyfriend treated her knees, she stared at the ruckus she had made. A sudden surge of self-doubt and agitation swooped over her being.

"I'm very sorry for breaking your plates," she gestured. "And the mugs, and the vase, and the-"

"It's okay." Beomgyu smiled. "We can always replace them with better ones. But guess what?"


"I can never replace you."

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